The Akalruh

Loss should bring us together, instead you choose to let it drive us further apart.
- Ata Nejem

Basic Information


Outwardly human appearing except for black sclera with varying colored irises with no pupil.

Biological Traits

Akalruh averages are very dependent on the the species that they are cohabiting with since the mother's species will play a large part in the offspring's appearance/traits especially after generations spent mixing with one species.
As most Akalruh have been on earth and only recently branching out to other species these averages will be based on a human mother.

Genetics and Reproduction

Akalruh are genetically compatible with almost any other species that's vaguely humanoid, however the offspring will always be male and typically resemble your average Akalruh. This can vary if the mother's species is carried through generations as the mother's species is reintroduced the offspring have a higher chance in having traits of that species.
Gestation will depend on the mothers species, despite the offspring being Akalruh it won't impact the mother's natural cycle.

Growth Rate & Stages

As an essentially immortal species Akalruh have a rather long developmental period. They reach adulthood, roughly the equivalent of a humans 18-20 year old, around 50 human years.

Ecology and Habitats

None of the living Akalruh remember their home planet having been born after a small missionary team crash-landed and subsequently remained on earth. The main requirement for them is simply another living sentient species as the Akalruh need to consume the energy that leaves a living being upon the moment of death. It's extremely detrimental to an Akalruh's health and sanity to consume the energy of their own kind. They are moderately sensitive to temperatures and not really able to survive in either extremes without assistance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aklaruh consume souls or at least the energy/collective existence of something living at the moment it dies, ideally something sentient. They can subsist on absorbing ambient energies around them or consuming the souls/energy of animals or plants however this is unsatisfying and they'll need to 'eat' more often. They cannot eat any physical matter their bodies simply aren't designed to process it and it will make them ill. They do require water but often need to filter it as even the smallest impurities can make them ill.
Consuming the soul of another Akalruh is one of their biggest taboos, doing so will grant them the power of the other Akalruh but at a great cost. They'll also consume the memories of the other but have no means of sorting these memories from their own and it will often drive them insane. There's also an intense energy rush/euphoria that in their already compromised state is almost instantly addictive leading them to seek more souls of their brethren often leading them to kill for that rush.
In modern times with advanced technology they've developed methods to store this energy, partnered with the Thesatri they have a constant food source. Easing some of the need for the Akalruh to remain so secretive.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

100 iq

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Basic Senses are on par with your standard human.
Extended Senses;
    Life Sense: All Akalruh can sense life what this means for each individual can depend on how much they've invested in honing it. Similar to people who can identify sounds or smells with dedicated training. In the average person its just a sense of life, some describe it as a warmth or tingling the more evolved the source (ie: humans vs plants) the stronger the feeling.
    • Other Akalruh will have a different often stronger feeling

    All akalruh are born with an innate unique ability, some variants follow family lines more commonly they don't.

Civilization and Culture


Ayukanez - native species name roughly translates to death eaters
Scientific Name
Homo Anima
Average Height
5 foot 10 inches
Average Weight
150 lbs
Average Physique
Most Akalruh tend to be on the slimmer side because of how their metabolism works its difficult for an Akalruh to 'over eat' in the sense of human understanding they largely only take what nutrients they need. As the modern age progresses and their 'food' evolves this may change.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Although Akalruh share the same spectrum of coloring that humans do on large the small community of modern Akalruh are primarly on the darker side of skintones. As they branch out this may become more diverse.

Articles under The Akalruh


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