Gardeners of Hope

In the jungles on the south side of Limi-Xou, on the border by the Land of the Death Lords is a group of peaceful activists (Well, mostly). They desire to prevent the expanding Creeping Taint of Morine from extending further into the country. While they do not know the casue they are right to susspect experimentations by Odex Purrahn and his cult.   Their focus has been on trying to plant resistant plants, destroy the encroughing thornweed. This is done through both magical and agricultural means. Being on a potential warfront border makes this sometimes dangerous. They tend to run the operations during the hight of the day however, as many undead more more succeptable to destruction during the daytime.


The organization is very loose. There are generally leaders and workers on teams, but not set title or structure of coordination between them. Gizzled farmers, druids, priests and Limi-Xou operatives all mingle in these groups going back to their own work between forays.


Practical, to a fault. The goal is push back of the encrouching "disease" and any and all methods are considered in pursuit of this goal. What works is done more, what doesn't is abandoned.


Not a lot other than what it's members bring to the table. They identify themselves only by a green knotted cord to prevent conflict with other like minded groups.


Formed a decade ago as the taint began getting close to the border, from some expirement or design of the Death Lords. It was a gut reaction from the worried farmers and ranchers whose livelyhood would be impacted by the corruption of the jungle itself.

Push the taint back

Social, Activist

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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