Horned Staff

This staff is used as a ceremonial totem, and cult relic as well as a weapon and spell casting device.    Most often publically seen in the commanding of undead farmers and soldiers by it's owner. It is used in ritual sacrifices performed by the Death Lords and is desired destroyed by many holy orders and proctectors. There are standing offers of great rewards for anyone that can prove it's destruction. Odex actually seems to encourage this as he enjoys toying with aspirational heroes. This is likely why there are a dozen stories of how it must be destroyed, most guarenteed to be false leads and misdirection.  

Known Powers

Commanding Undead - with a bonus Creating Undead - stronger than usual Inspiring Fear  Infecting disease  

Rumoured Powers

It is rumoured to compell compliance of cult members or undead created by the staff. It has not been seen, so it is unknown if this is just superstition or intentional rumour.  It could also be responsible for the creation of the Cloigen skeleton beasts.  Some say it causes dark clouds to form over the sky every month. Still others claim it is responsible for stillbirths among the population within miles of the staff.


Created by the Odex Purrahn from a horn of Kariopp the Porcett. This is a recent aquisition sinze Odex's lichdom. There is some rumour that instead of creating the staff Odex aquired it, though there is no previous reference to the staff.


It is a hallmark of the power of the Cult of the Odex. It is used ceremonally as a totem to the cult and used in many of their grand rituals.
Current Location
Raw materials & Components
It comprises an iron staff with a copper handle and golden foot, atop this is a silver skull on which is wired a curling paper white horn inlayed with runes.

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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