Jawbone Cove

The port town of Jawbone Cove is one of the primary trading ports with the Land of the Death Lords. It is at the edge and has few of the undead that tend to scare off trading ships. This port plys wares from pirates and legitimate trading vessels alike. The deep cove when seen from the northern hill looks like a jawbone with a protective island just outside it. This protects the cove from the most severe weather and allows for a long series of docks, many not in use these days. The town caters to all sorts of criminals from other lands as a place of legal refuge. The sinister side effect being that sometimes people go missing, which many presume is to be used in experiments by the Death Lords.   Besides the seedy mercantile side, it is a place where prostituion is legal and all maner of drugs and vices are catered to.


A large number of The Touched as well as the common races. Behind the touched, humans and halflings are the most common.


Led by the lord Longshanks it is a tyrannical place, with the lord or his servants acting as judge and executioner. Order is maintained by the constabulatory loyal to the lord, and well known to be corrupt and easily bribeable. For the sea port itself there is a garrison on Spine hill. It normally doesn't interact much with the populace as it is manned by skeletons and zombie birds. The controlling necromancers and Bone Signalers are an odd bunch not particularly sociable.


The Docks and the nearby warehouses and pleasure houses are the biggest portion of the city. With no dock fees it can be a popular place to set in. Though by having no dock fees the fees on food, drink, prostitutes are considerable. It is also hard to refuse a deal that might not be in your favor if it comes from one of the Death Lords. Even with that it is a good place for merchants and pirates to make a quick profit.   Above the docks is the Heights, this is where the lord and interior merchants make their stay to transact moving of goods from the harbor to inside the country. Being near the border with Limi-Xou, it is not uncommon to have caravans from outside the nation visit. This is even true though the countries are generally antagonists.
Large town
Location under

Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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