Ventri-Oas Settlement in The Cradle of Worlds | World Anvil


Ventri-Oas is the city on the edge of the desert. It is the western most entrance to The Raikirian Desert. At the western end of the Emerald Ribbon, the city handles much of the overland trade into the desert region from the central continent regions of New Minam.   Ventri-Oas is the second capitol on the Kingdom of Teraph, with the winter palace of the Teraphian Dynasty. It has a thriving business outfitting explorers enchanted by the desert. It also has a great wizarding academy with easy access to the Intrac Jelly from Orala-Was. They pride themselves in the fact they have a magical contract with a Marid for clean cool water. This was helpful when the well went dry nearly two hundred years ago.


About half the population is ethnic Evanis, with about thirty percent of the population being half elven and a small but noticeable lizardfolk tribe related distantly to the Mazalurk.


The local lord and lady rule on behalf of the Terrapin Dynasty. They are fully in charge of all aspects of the government with multiple organizations under their control.


High District: This is the region surrounding the winter palace, known for its lavish fountains and tall architecture.   Graveyard District: Built over a series of old catacombs this is one of two districts flanking the port of the Oasis Courser in its easternmost destination.   Orchard District: Still partially empty from the plague, this is the poorest section of town. Named due to ancient orchards, of which there is no current evidence.   Under district: This leads to the halls of the Kenit Dwarves who use and underground river for trade further west.
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Cover image: by Markus Dehning (vertixico)


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