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Antaria (An-Tar-Eea)

Antaria, the imposing capital of Nentryl, stood as a testament to the dominion of the dark forces during the Dark War. The architecture bore the sinister imprint of the necromantic might it housed, featuring macabre edifices of obsidian and other dark-hued stones adorned with foreboding motifs. The city bore the scars of the infamous Battle of Antaria, the climactic clash that sealed the fate of the Dark War. This brutal confrontation marked the end of the conflict, culminating in the downfall of Abraxas and the unraveling of Nentryl's dark regime. Ruled by the malevolent Abraxas, this city served as the nucleus of necromantic power, a grim seat of authority that commanded the dark forces that once plagued the Crean Isles. The fall of Antaria marked a pivotal moment in history, signaling the liberation of the Crean Isles from the shadows of tyranny and the dawn of a new era.


The streets of Antaria pulsate with an ethereal vitality, inhabited by an assortment of the undead. Skeletons, zombies, wraiths, vampires, liches, death knights, and bone dragons, among others, meander the city's labyrinthine passages. The distribution of these creatures is a curious tapestry woven into the very fabric of Antaria. They congregate within the necropolis' depths, occupying citadels, catacombs, and macabre structures nestled among the shadows, creating an eerie mosaic within the city's architecture.


The governance of Antaria operates under the tight grip of the necromantic monarchy, a regime obscured by the arcane and shadowy rulings of King Abraxas. Laws and regulations are shrouded in the necrotic mystique, constructed to maintain the twisted harmony of the city's undead populace. Taxation, if any, exists in the form of surreptitious levies subtly interwoven within the city's very existence. The machinery that sustains Antaria's essence is an enigmatic conglomeration of the undead, collectively fostering the eerie vitality that perpetuates the darkened city.


The defenses of Antaria embody a spectral citadel fortified against intruders, imbued with ominous enchantments and arcane wards. Palisades, walls, and towers shrouded in necromantic magic carve an eerie silhouette against the dim horizon. Moats, imbued with sinister energies, encircle the city, forming a barrier that dissuades unwanted incursions. Raised bridges and arcane battlements serve as sentinels, guarding the shadowed alleys and necrotic passages from any who would dare challenge the city's macabre sovereignty.

Industry & Trade

In the eerie necropolis of Antaria, the sustenance of its inhabitants unfolds amidst an otherworldly economic ambiance. The city's spectral residents are entrenched in an unusual economy primarily driven by necromancy, enchantment, and arcane trades. Liches, necromancers, and undead craftsmen form the crux of the settlement's workforce, their pursuits centered on manufacturing enchanted artifacts, necromantic talismans, and arcane commodities. Antaria's unique exports include enchanted armaments, mysterious artifacts, and dark relics coveted by collectors and practitioners of the arcane arts across distant realms. Imports often include rare necromantic reagents, enchanted ores, and alchemical components vital for their macabre crafts.


Amidst the eerie aura of Antaria, the infrastructure defies conventional norms, manifesting in ghastly beauty. Watermills, windmills, sewers, and blast furnaces harmoniously blend into the macabre architecture. The city's spectral streets are punctuated by courtyards that echo with the unsettling symphonies of the undead. Cryptic roads and bridges link the sprawling necropolis, forming an otherworldly network that weaves through the spectral enclaves. Shipyards, though eerie, adorn the shores, crafting spectral vessels that traverse the mysterious waters surrounding the city.


Antaria's cryptic history predates the Dark War, etching itself into the annals of the Crean Isles as a forlorn necropolis. Founded by an ancient necromancer who sought refuge from persecution, the city grew beneath the dark canopy of its ruler's enigmatic influence. Over centuries, it burgeoned into a spectral citadel, its inhabitants mastering the necromantic arts and delving into dark secrets, veiled from the outside world. The settlement remained an enigmatic sanctuary, shrouded in a foreboding aura, drawing scholars, practitioners of the arcane, and the undead from far-flung lands to study within its darkened corridors.

Points of interest

The Catacombs: Beneath Antaria's shadowed streets lay the intricate labyrinth of the Catacombs, a dark expanse where arcane secrets and potent artifacts were guarded. These underground tunnels served as a repository for cryptic teachings of necromancy, housing dark knowledge and relics from bygone eras. Only the most adept necromancers dared to venture into its eerie depths, seeking to harness the hidden powers and esoteric lore concealed within the shadows.   The Soul Prison: At the heart of Antaria loomed the foreboding Soul Prison, a towering obelisk that consumed the souls of the fallen, transforming their energies into potent necrotic power. Souls of those slain within its vicinity fueled the dark energies, empowering necromancers who reveled in its haunting aura. The ominous prison exuded a spectral presence, resonating with the macabre essence that coursed through the necropolis.   The Necrotic Transformer: A grim pit of macabre transformation, the Necrotic Transformer stood as a chilling testament to the city's dark arts. Within this pit, unfortunate souls were cast to undergo a horrifying metamorphosis, their essence manipulated by the sinister energies of Antaria. Living beings flung into the depths of this pit emerged as undead abominations – skeletons, zombies, or bone dragons, serving as eerie guardians of the city's boundaries.   The Dark Citadel: Towering above the spectral landscape, the Dark Citadel embodied the seat of power within Antaria. Within its foreboding walls, the city's malevolent rulers, including Abraxas, Deathbringer, Aragus, Kahr, and Hiroh, orchestrated their enigmatic machinations, channeling the arcane forces and commanding the shadows that draped the necropolis in an eternal shroud of darkness.


The architectural visage of Antaria exudes a spectral, almost ghostly allure, woven from the raw essence of necromantic magic. The city's structures embrace the Necropolis Style, characterized by ominous towers, twisted spires, and macabre edifices crafted from obsidian, darkened stone, and onyx. Buildings often manifest as eerie towers interconnected by winding, shadowed alleyways that twist through the spectral metropolis. Intricately carved crypts and esoteric monuments adorn the cityscape, draped in dark tapestries and accented by eerie sigils, reinforcing the city's enigmatic atmosphere.


Nestled upon a landscape veiled in obscurity, Antaria resides upon dirt terrain, an eerie expanse cloaked in silence and foreboding. The macabre city extends its spectral dominion across these barren lands, each building and tower rising from the desolate ground like ominous monuments amidst the desolation. The dirt terrain underlines the mysterious nature of Antaria, accentuating the city's necromantic energy, and casting an unsettling shadow over the spectral expanse it governs.
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