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Elcan (El-Kan)

Lord Elcan (a.k.a. The Shadow Harbinger)

Elcan, veiled in a foreboding transformation, bore a semblance to his former self, Elcant, with an eerie visage. His physicality, resembling Elcant's, now shrouded behind a black, pointed helmet, masked his features, save for the piercing red glow of his eyes that seeped through its darkness. His transformation into the corrupted necromancer unraveled a harrowing saga marked by deeds that veered drastically from his former self. His ruthless path was etched with appalling feats: the brutal demise of King Elliott, the cataclysmic destruction of Arium, and the consequential assumption of the apprentice role under Abraxas' sway. Loyalty bound him unconditionally to Nentryl, shunning any semblance of the merchant whose choices were morally complex. Elcan embodied a stark contrast to Elcant's striving for the greater good; a merciless harbinger of destruction, adherent solely to Abraxas' commands, eclipsing any vestige of his former self in a haunting transformation.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Embracing the dark arts of Necromancy, Elcan wielded a formidable mastery over the powers of death and decay. This sorcery augmented his ability to wield and command the forces of the undead, enabling catastrophic displays of power at Abraxas' command.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elcan's history as the corrupted version of Elcant embodies a tragic divergence. Before the Dark War, he shared similar origins with Elcant, harboring aspirations for merchant fame and displaying no inclination towards malevolence. During the war, under Abraxas' pernicious influence, Elcan's descent into corruption unfurled an abyssal transformation. The once-promising merchant became a relentless agent of destruction, succumbing entirely to the manipulation and control exerted by Abraxas.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Elcan's achievements, if they can be labeled as such, were shrouded in the shadows of malevolence. His ruthless actions included the assassination of King Elliott, plunging Arium into chaos and ruin. His unwavering servitude to Abraxas dictated a series of catastrophic events, culminating in the annihilation of anything that opposed the will of his malevolent master.

Morality & Philosophy

The concept of morality held no place in Elcan's corrupted existence. Once driven by aspirations for greatness and moral complexities, he now embodied unrelenting malevolence, adhering solely to Abraxas' whims. His moral compass was obliterated, replaced by a single-minded devotion to serve Abraxas at any cost.

Personality Characteristics


Elcan's motivations devolved into a singular obsession: absolute and unwavering loyalty to Abraxas. This allegiance superseded any vestiges of his former motivations, consumed entirely by servitude to the dark entity, leaving behind his former aspirations and moral quandaries.

Virtues & Personality perks

His corruption forged a being devoid of compassion or remorse, rendering him ruthlessly efficient in executing Abraxas' malevolent directives. Cunning and relentless, he acted as a relentless instrument of destruction, carrying out his master's will without hesitation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Elcan's downfall, if any, lay hidden beneath his impenetrable allegiance to Abraxas. However, it's notable that his defeat by Albion during the final confrontation was solely due to the intervention of the Angelic Alliance.
4 A.D.W. 7 A.D.W. 3 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Converted to Elcan after the corruption of the Blackshard
Circumstances of Death
Was freed from corruption by Albion
Place of Death
Glowing Red
Long Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Just made me better" - Elcan before the battle of Heavengate, when Elliott mentions how the Blackshard has changed him.   "You lot can't do a single thing right. I see they are trying to free all of our prisoners and unite them against us. Send everyone we've got to guard Dreade. He cannot be freed" - Elcan after Albion frees Anfal and Lioloth from the necromancers.   "Pitiful. They might come to try and kill me next. Let them come to me. I will be ready. I will ready the armada, and make them regret every decision of their lives. If my troops couldn't do it, I will do it myself" - Elcan after the necromancers fail to guard Dreade.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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