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Abraxas (A-Braks-As)

The Dark Lord (a.k.a. The Shadow Sovereign)

Abraxas, a malevolent entity of impenetrable darkness, bore a foreboding visage—a figure shrouded in obsidian-like shadows, with voids in place of eyes and mouth, emitting an eerie aura of dread. His notorious feats etched a legacy of terror across the Crean Isles—he crafted the infamous Armour of the Damned, a nefarious artifact of unparalleled power, and birthed Nentryl, a nation steeped in necromantic darkness. Abraxas's sinister machinations saw him occupy Terminus, orchestrate the fall of Arium, and bring about the demise of the elemental ruler, Naxion. His corruption of Elcant into the malevolent Elcan served as a testament to his cunning manipulation. Born from the Elemental Plane of Chaos and summoned into the Material Plane by Arravan in Ghoulkeep, Abraxas stood as the nefarious puppeteer orchestrating the harrowing Dark War from the shadows, ruling over Nentryl as the malevolent sovereign of darkness and death.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Abraxas's existence transcended the mundane, with powers stemming from the very essence of darkness. His ability to craft artifacts of unparalleled malevolence, manipulate necromantic forces, and sow chaos with dark magic were among his formidable abilities. He wielded influence over shadows, spreading fear and despair with his mere presence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born from the Elemental Plane of Chaos and summoned into the Material Plane by Arravan in Ghoulkeep, Abraxas emerged as a force of darkness and malevolence. Before the Dark War, his origins were steeped in enigma, his essence embodying the very essence of entropy and darkness. During the war, he orchestrated nefarious deeds, manipulating dark forces to his advantage. He was killed by the Crimson Knights during the Battle of Antaria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Abraxas's malevolent influence and cunning machinations defined his reign. Crafting the notorious Armour of the Damned, he birthed Nentryl, a kingdom steeped in necromantic darkness. He occupied Terminus, orchestrated the fall of Arium, and dealt a fatal blow by eliminating Naxion, the elemental ruler. His corruption of Elcant into Elcan served as a testament to his manipulative prowess, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction throughout the Crean Isles.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality was an alien concept to Abraxas, draped in shadows and driven solely by his insatiable thirst for dominion and entropy. His moral compass veered into the depths of darkness, devoid of empathy or compassion, reveling only in the pursuit of absolute power and the spread of darkness across existence.

Personality Characteristics


His motivations were driven by a relentless hunger for dominion over the Crean Isles, aiming not only for control but seeking total entropy across all existence. His insatiable desire to plunge realms into darkness and chaos drove his every action, aspiring to envelop everything in his ominous shadow.

Virtues & Personality perks

Abraxas's strengths lay in his mastery of dark forces, shrouding him in impenetrable darkness, and his ability to manipulate and corrupt. His strategic cunning and ability to orchestrate chaos were formidable, instilling fear and controlling situations to his advantage.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his overwhelming power, Abraxas's arrogance and overconfidence in his darkness sometimes led to underestimating the strength of unity and the power of hope. His unquenchable hunger for dominance and entropy blinded him to potential vulnerabilities, occasionally leaving him susceptible to unforeseen alliances and strategies orchestrated against him.
102 B.D.W. 10 A.D.W. 112 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Summoned by Arravan
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by the Crimson Knights, ending the Dark War
Place of Death
Antaria, Nentryl
Black Voids
No Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pure Darkness
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I think my observation was right. There is truly something special about him. My superstitions were confirmed, it would not have been possible to just force him into corruption. Manipulation is the best war tactic, however. The greatest victory is that which requires no battle" - Abraxas after realising how powerful Elcant is.   "He has agreed to grant me parts of his forces, in exchange for riches. Typical demons. I will sadly need to waste him just like all the others, once this is all done. Demons can never be trusted" - Abraxas about forming his alliance with Dreade.   "You have made a grave mistake, young Albion. You cannot comprehend the power I possess in my fingertips... So be it. If you want to die a painful and worthiless death, then come at me" - Abraxas before his final confrontation with Albion.   "In this realm of mortals, they seek justice, order, a feeble illusion of control. But I am not bound by such frivolous constraints. I am the harbinger of chaos, the master of realms unseen, and your pitiful notions of governance are but mere trifles. Naxion, you cling to your notions of rulership, your feeble attempts at dominion. Know this: I wield power beyond your wildest imagination, a force that transcends your feeble grip on this world. Your reign shall crumble before my might, and your order shall bend to the chaos I bring." - Abraxas to Naxion before the Fall of Nax Fort.
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements

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