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Naxion (Na-Ksee-on)

The Elemental Lord (a.k.a. The Elemental Monarch)

Naxion, a manifestation of the elemental forces, transcended corporeal boundaries, his form akin to vibrant energy draped in crimson robes, adorned with a helmet resembling a turban. Amidst his ethereal form, only his eyes emanated a luminous magenta glow, reflecting the immense power and wisdom he harbored. His legacy, marked by profound feats, spanned epochs: from birthing Arium and crafting the Grail—a potent artifact almost capable of vanquishing Arravan—to engaging in a relentless battle against Abraxas during The Silence, forcing the malevolent entity to retreat. His staunch defense of Nax Fort stood as a testament to his unwavering dedication, despite its eventual fall. As the revered figure of Arium and later New Arium following his resurrection, Naxion's influence shaped the very fabric of existence. Originating from the Plane of Magic, he held the distinction of being the oldest being in the Crean Isles, governing the Elemental Planes for centuries before establishing Arium on the Material Plane.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Endowed with the unfathomable might of Magic Elemental Magic, Naxion wielded powers that transcended mortal comprehension. His mastery over magical forces, shaped by centuries of existence, granted him unparalleled command over the fundamental elements, serving as a beacon of wisdom and formidable prowess.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Naxion's enigmatic existence spanned epochs, tracing back to the primordial fabric of the universe. Before the Dark War, he embodied the essence of magic, emerging from the Plane of Magic to govern the Elemental Planes he birthed, culminating in the creation of Arium on the Material Plane. During the Dark War, his presence shaped pivotal events: from crafting the formidable Grail to his valiant defense against Abraxas during The Silence, a testament to his unwavering commitment to preserving balance. Post-resurrection, his role expanded, guiding and safeguarding New Arium in the aftermath of the conflict, his wisdom etching an indelible mark on its governance.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Naxion's feats traversed epochs, each a testament to his cosmic influence. His creation of Arium and the near-cataclysmic potency of the Grail resonated through time. In the throes of the Dark War, his valiant battles against the malevolent forces, particularly his confrontation with Abraxas, stood as monumental achievements. His resurrection, heralding the governance and protection of New Arium, marked a pivotal chapter in his enduring legacy.

Morality & Philosophy

An embodiment of balance and wisdom, Naxion's moral compass was guided by a transcendent commitment to safeguarding the harmony of the cosmos. Before his demise, his pursuits centered on protecting the delicate equilibrium of the universe. Post-resurrection, his focus shifted towards nurturing and safeguarding New Arium, exemplifying unwavering dedication to fostering prosperity and peace.

Personality Characteristics


Before his death, Naxion's motivations revolved around the grand tapestry of existence, striving to protect the cosmic balance from malevolent forces. After his resurrection, his purpose transformed into nurturing and guiding New Arium, becoming a steadfast guardian committed to the nation's prosperity and well-being.

Virtues & Personality perks

Naxion's strengths lay in his profound wisdom and magnetic charisma, inspiring awe and allegiance in those around him. His cosmic knowledge and innate sagacity served as guiding beacons during tumultuous times.

Vices & Personality flaws

However, despite his cosmic awareness, Naxion's inability to foresee long-term outcomes hindered his strategic planning. This flaw occasionally left him vulnerable to unforeseen consequences, emphasizing the limits of his prescience amid cosmic complexities.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1587 B.D.W. 1609 Years old
Glowing Magenta
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Do not fear. I am Naxion, lord of the elements. I call to you for help. I need you to help me bring down Arravan. He is more of a threat than I thought. I have seen you and I think you may have potential" - Naxion to Dargath talking about Arravan.   "Elliott, you must leave now. Abraxas is coming. I must protect the city. Please, take over my mantle as King if i die... Ready the army. We are at war now" - Naxion before the Fall of Nax Fort.   "Abraxas, you tread a perilous path, blind to the repercussions of your ambition. Your conquests sow seeds of destruction, and in their wake, despair thrives. Your unyielding grasp will not stave off the reckoning that awaits. Each deed etches your fate, and one day, you'll stand face to face with the echoes of your misdeeds. Know this, Abraxas, the shadows you cast will haunt you, for the cycle of malevolence will come full circle, and you'll confront your legacy, alone, amidst the ruins you've wrought." - Naxion to Abraxas before the Fall of Nax Fort.   "I finally get to see my worst enemy fall to the ground. After he killed me, I thought it was all over for the world. But you are different from all the others. You managed to not only resurrect an eternal being like me from the grave, which is already a great feat which few can accomplish. You also managed to defy the odds and survive a threat even I could not. I stand with you here" - Naxion to Albion before the Battle of Antaria.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements

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