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Tarthas (Tar-Thas)

Lord of Reaver (a.k.a. Deathbringer)

Tarthas, known as Deathbringer, bore a spectral countenance—a pale visage shrouded in pallor, with eyes ablaze in an eerie luminescence and long, obsidian locks cascading around him. His transformation from Tarthas to Deathbringer unfurled a saga drenched in vengeance and dark ascension. Fuelled by a quest for retribution following the tragic demise of his parents at the hands of Naxion's men, Tarthas metamorphosed into Deathbringer. His sinister retribution began by slaying four of Naxion's men, carving a path of malevolent resurgence. Ascending as Abraxas' second in command following his liberation from imprisonment, Deathbringer played a pivotal role in pivotal events—contributing to the Fall of Nax Fort, besting formidable adversaries like Aragus, and subsequently forming Reaver after his punishment by Abraxas. His loyalty oscillated from initial allegiance to Nentryl to an unwavering commitment to Reaver, a manifestation of his vengeance-fueled quest for dominance and retribution.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Endowed with the dark arts of Necromancy, Deathbringer wielded an unrivaled mastery over the macabre forces of death and decay. His proficiency in these sinister arts granted him power to control the undead and manipulate the very fabric of life and death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tarthas, known as Deathbringer, was ensnared in a tumultuous history that ignited a transformation from Tarthas to his notorious moniker. Before the Dark War, his existence was marred by tragedy—his parents, practitioners of necromancy, fell victim to Naxion's men, propelling him into a consuming quest for vengeance. Driven by his thirst for retribution, he avenged their deaths and adopted the mantle of Deathbringer, ascending as a sinister figure under Abraxas' shadow. During the Dark War, his allegiance swayed from initial loyalty to Nentryl, ascending as Abraxas' second-in-command and playing a pivotal role in pivotal events that shaped the conflict. Post-war, his pursuit shifted towards redemption and a quest for salvation, culminating in the founding of Reaver, an endeavor to reconcile his past actions.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Deathbringer's dark legacy forged a macabre trail of accomplishments. His retaliatory strikes against Naxion's men heralded his transformation, marking the onset of his malevolent ascent. As Abraxas' lieutenant, his involvement in significant events like the Fall of Nax Fort and his triumph over adversaries showcased his formidable prowess. The establishment of Reaver post-punishment by Abraxas represented a divergence towards redemption, a pivotal achievement in his quest for absolution.

Morality & Philosophy

Tarthas' morality traversed a path enshrouded in darkness and redemption. His earlier pursuit, driven by a vengeful quest for retribution, blurred the lines between right and wrong. However, post-punishment, his pursuit shifted towards redemption, a testament to his realization of past misdeeds and a desire to rectify his dark legacy.

Personality Characteristics


Initially driven by an all-consuming desire for vengeance in the wake of his parents' demise, Deathbringer allied with Abraxas to achieve his sinister ends. However, his motivations underwent a profound transformation post-punishment, transitioning into a quest for redemption and seeking absolution for his past actions through the formation of Reaver.

Virtues & Personality perks

Deathbringer's strengths lay in his profound wisdom and formidable magical prowess. His deep understanding of the arcane and his command over necromancy rendered him a potent and formidable adversary.

Vices & Personality flaws

Despite his wisdom and mastery of the dark arts, Deathbringer's flaws manifested in his penchant for making misguided choices driven by vengeance—a stark weakness that led to his alliance with Abraxas in the pursuit of retribution.
Current Location
Year of Birth
26 B.D.W. 48 Years old
Glowing White
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That damned power seeker is now trying to kill me. Only because he is jealous of my success. I tried being nice to him, but there is no other option. Tell everyone else to kill Aragus" - Tarthas to one of his troops after he finds out about Aragus hunting him.   "My loyalty, once sworn to Nentryl's dark embrace, now unravels like threads lost to time's cruel weave. I relinquish my place in the shadowed hierarchy, for the cloak of necromancy no longer drapes my weary shoulders. Though I step away, it is not without a heavy heart; the chains of the past, now shattered, yet leave scars upon my soul. As I part ways, I carry a melancholic burden, but it's the weight of freedom that grants me a new path, an unwritten fate I dare to embrace." - Tarthas about him leaving Nentryl's hierarchy.   "I sense him. He is near. If Morpheus really wants the trouble, he will get it. As for Aragus, I will drive my sword right into that cowards chest" - Tarthas to his troops about his impending conflict with Morpheus and Aragus.   "Oh, how the tables have turned. When I was a Necromancer, I showed no empathy towards anyone. I would have probably ended up like Aragus and all the others if it wasn't for your convincing. I admire you above anyone else. Destroy him" - Tarthas to Albion before the Battle of Antaria.
Aligned Organization
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