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Aragus (A-Ra-Gus)

Lord Aragus (a.k.a. The Jealous Lich)

Aragus, a haunting figure draped in a tattered blue hood, bore the unsettling visage of a lich. His journey into the abyss of dark magic and thirst for supremacy began in his early years, born into royalty in Nax Fort. However, obscured by the shadows of his peers, Aragus harbored an insatiable hunger for power, pilfering valuable artifacts from Nax Fort's vaults in his pursuit of dominance. His insatiable pursuit eventually led to a harrowing accident, transforming him into a lich and granting him the twisted immortality he sought. Joining Abraxas in the tumultuous era of the Dark War, Aragus vied for influence, yet found himself overshadowed once more as Abraxas appointed Deathbringer as his second in command. This marked the genesis of an intense rivalry between Aragus and Deathbringer, despite their shared allegiance within the same faction under Abraxas' banner. Throughout the war, Aragus etched his name in infamy, contributing to the Fall of Nax Fort, imprisoning Albion, and engaging in formidable battles, including his near-victory against Deathbringer, showcasing his relentless quest for dominance within Nentryl's ranks.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Aragus's formidable mastery of necromancy elevated him to a potent force within the Dark War. His expertise in manipulating the forces of death granted him an arsenal of dark abilities, from reanimating the deceased to unleashing spells that harnessed the dark energies, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aragus's tale begins in the annals of Nax Fort, where as a young and ambitious noble, he felt perpetually overshadowed by his contemporaries. His quest for power led him to pilfer artifacts from the vaults, ultimately culminating in a transformative accident that thrust him into the dark embrace of lichdom. Throughout the Dark War, Aragus aligned himself with Abraxas' forces, consumed by an insatiable desire for supremacy and recognition. His machinations led to pivotal moments, including contributions to the Fall of Nax Fort and his tumultuous rivalry with Deathbringer, further fueling his quest for dominance. Albion, however, dealt a fatal blow to Aragus near the Dark War's conclusion, ending his existence.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In his relentless pursuit of power, Aragus amassed an array of achievements that marred the history of the Crean Isles. His machinations spanned from the pilfering of valuable artifacts in his youth to his ascension to a lich, marking the beginning of his foray into the darker realms of magic. Throughout the Dark War, his endeavors in the ranks of Nentryl resulted in significant disruptions and clashes that shaped the course of the conflict.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality is a nebulous concept when it comes to Aragus. Driven by an unyielding thirst for power, he was often blind to the ethical ramifications of his actions. His desire to ascend to the pinnacle of authority clouded his judgment, steering him into darkness and causing him to commit morally dubious acts without hesitation. His relentless pursuit of supremacy superseded any moral qualms, casting him as a character ensnared in the relentless grasp of ambition and obsession.

Personality Characteristics


The core motivation that propelled Aragus through the Dark War was a consuming thirst for ultimate power and an incessant need to establish his prominence. His actions were steered by an insatiable desire to be recognized, to command reverence, and to etch his name indelibly into the annals of history.

Virtues & Personality perks

Aragus's imposing presence and feared reputation were his foremost strengths. His aura of power and command, coupled with his mastery of necromancy, instilled terror in those who crossed his path. This fear often garnered respect and, in some cases, unwavering loyalty from those under his influence. His charismatic demeanor and skillful manipulation of others bolstered his ability to gather followers and influence events to his advantage.

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsivity was a notable flaw in Aragus's character. His impetuous decisions often led to reckless actions and compromised strategies, undermining the effectiveness of his plans. Additionally, his obsessive thirst for ultimate power served as a double-edged sword, clouding his judgment and driving him toward increasingly perilous pursuits. This obsessive drive blinded him to potential consequences and left him vulnerable to exploitation by those who understood his relentless ambition.
64 B.D.W. 9 A.D.W. 73 years old
Circumstances of Death
Was killed by Albion before the Siege of Noxis
Place of Death
No Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Lord Elcan won't be happy when he finds out about this. I need to personally take care of those pesky rebels. Ready the army. We are going to slay them" - Aragus talks about Unthil's rebellion.   "Unthil, you've been struttin' 'round with your flashy spells, thinkin' you're untouchable! But guess what? Your magic ain't nothin' but a show, a sparklin' facade. You've been dancin' with fire, and now, you're gonna get burned. Should've kept to your own business, Unthil. Now, your folly ends here!" - Aragus to Unthil before his death.
Aligned Organization

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