Blink Dog Species in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Blink Dog

They appear as ordinary, feral dogs, but have developed an ability to "blink" between dimensions, making them effective ambushers. Because of this advantage, they are not encountered in packs as often as ordinary dogs, but may still gang up to take down larger prey.

Basic Information


Blink dogs seem to have evolved from feral mutts, and most commonly resemble Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds, and Cane Corsos, with tall, pointed ears, a medium to large size, and a muscular physique.   However, other variations resembling different dog breeds have been reported; it is difficult to chart the species well, since the difference between a dog that blinked and a dog that simply got lost can be near impossible to discern.

Genetics and Reproduction

Blink dogs breed and reproduce in the same way as ordinary dogs. The puppies develop their blink abilities at around six to nine months old.

Ecology and Habitats

They seem to stay as long as they wish in any dimension without much trouble, though there is more food for them in the material, and it is in many ways safer than the cyclone-prone Ethereal, the mercurial Fey, or the deathly Shadowfell.   They seem subject to the same environmental needs as their mundane canine kin, but since they can blink between dimensions, these needs are more easily met. For instance, a pack of blink dogs could hunt yeti in the Frostfell until they got too cold, then blink to the eternally-tepid shadowfell to warm up.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Blink dogs are carnivorous, but can supplement this diet with vegetation if needed. They have also evolved to digest magical creatures without trouble.


Feral creatures, a blink dog may look like the family pet, but should be treated with caution. Unused to humanoids, a blink dog that encounters people is usually afraid, and may demonstrate fear aggression. An extremely hungry blink dog, or one with extremely limited exposure to humanoids may even predate upon them.   However, most blink dogs seen in the material plane are seeking food or shelter. If you see them, ensure you are not between them and their food, and if you find their den, make your own camp far, far from it.   Lastly, keep your own food well guarded or hidden. Burying it will not work, as they are adept diggers, but suspending it high in a tree can be effective - unless the terrain on another dimension allows them an advantage. Like most beasts, they harbour an innate fear of fire, so a night watch with a good blaze is the best way to keep your rations un-chewed.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Blink dogs are defined by their ability to "blink" between dimensions, seemingly appearing or disappearing abruptly.
Blink Dog
Blink Dog by uncredited
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
ci diflannu
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa