Cathrys Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The wretched jungles of Cathrys are filled with the stench of decay, and the dense canopy blocks out the already-dim light from other planetoids.


The worlds of Cathrys are around 500 miles apart, and the planetoids themselves are smaller than Othrys'. They are covered, one and all, in dense jungle which grows over every hill and chokes every valley.


Nearly all plants on Cathrys produce acidic secretions if cut, broken, or felled. The fungi which grow in startling size and quantity likewise produce acidic spores which cloud the air.   These acids are strong enough to dissolve metal within a few moments, though creatures who live or evolve on this plane seem to experience a lessened effect.

Localized Phenomena

Scholars debate whether it is an effect of the Realm Magic, or simply the natural result of surviving in such an unforgiving environment for a long time, but either way creatures on Carceri often give over to their basest instincts. Survival at any cost is the rule of the realm, and the taboos of polite society inevitably fall away in favour of it.

Fauna & Flora

Razorvine is especially plentiful on Cathrys, but all manner of poisonoous plants and mushrooms can be found in abundance. A number of fiends and dire creatures haunt the jungles, as well.
Alternative Name(s)
The Scarlet Jungle
Dimensional plane
Location under

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa