Minethys Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The blasted planetoids of Minethys are deserts of stinging sand and rock, with no respite from the freezing winds and skin-flaying sands.


Minethys' planetoids are smaller than those of Cathrys and float without rotation, around 5,000 miles apart. The constant storms of yellow sand as well as the natural luminescence that light all of Carceri's worlds give each orb an eerie glow.


No plant life or water survives on Minethys, as all planetoids are utterly blasted. Creatures are flayed alive by the sandstorms unless protected by poweful magic or heavy clothing, and then they still must contend with the cold.   Many cultures believe that the souls of the greedy are sent here to spend their eternity in a land of literal nothing.

Localized Phenomena

The tornadoes of Minethys are the stuff of grim legend. Their incredible forces tear gashes in the planetoids even as the shards of solid rock and storms of sand and dust they stir up fall in to fill them. Because the worlds of Minethys are constantly subject to strong winds, it takes these storms a long time to dissipate once they begin.
Alternative Name(s)
The Blasted
Dimensional plane
Location under

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa