Centrespire Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The central mountain of Bytopia, and the only one long enough to connect the two islands.


A freestanding mountain, the Centrespire is relatively narrow for its height, though its base is still several miles wide. It has no summit, and two roots. It narrows at a midpoint between Shurrockand Dulthion, then widening gradually as it approaches the surface of the other side.

Localized Phenomena

Because of Bytopia's localized gravity, there is a point around the midsection of the Centrespire where gravity pulls equally between the two islands, and travellers float.


The midsection of the centrespire is especially cold, both due to its altitude, and due to the constant winds, which nothing is high enough to shield them from.

Fauna & Flora

Because of the constant winds, few creatures live in the midsection of the centrespire, though the usual wildlife populate its lower slopes on both sides. There are a fair amount of caves within, especially on the Shurrock side, where creatures such as yeti, bears, and other cold-tolerant animals and monsters lair.   The bird population is not as abundant as one might expect, as the reversal of gravity near the midsection is disorienting to most flighted creatures.
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa