Dulthion Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The lower, more "ordinary-seeming" half of Bytopia floats in place on the ocean between Elysium and Mt. Celestia. Its coastline has many pleasant cities and villages which recieve sea-trade from other realms, while people in the interior enjoy a more rural landscape of pastures and fertile forested hills, punctuated by free-standing mountains.


While just as mountainous as Shurrock, above, Dulthion's valleys contain more temperate, boreal forests, as well as wide plains of gentle meadows and farming fields.

Localized Phenomena

Dulthion has the same localized gravity and intelligence effect on creatures as any other part of Bytopia.

Fauna & Flora

The swaths of land between settlements are home to as much wildlife as one might expect on Primus or Arcadia. The yeomanry works to keep the roads safe, however, and the Adamantine Dragons' presence precludes most threats.

Natural Resources

Dulthion is a trading centre, especially along its coastline. Its chief resource is the talent and innovation of its citizenry, and the inventions produced as a result.


Dulthion is a popular tourism location. Many wealthy individuals keep summer homes, especially on the coast, and several students come to pursue international experience in a variety of fields. Several adventurers also shelter in Dulthion between expeditions to Shurrock

Cover image: Coastline City by Shenfeic