Shurrock Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The upper island of Bytopia. Though it is rich in natural resources and the lair of Bytopia's protectors, the Adamantine Dragons, Shurrock is a perilous wilderness and few humanoids settle here. The ready cover and abundant wildlife make Shurrock an attractive lair for various monsters and wild beasts, and the rough terrain is harder to travel than the roads of Dulthion.


Shurrock's mountains, like Dulthion below, are tall and steep, but unlike Shurrock's they are riddled with dark and twisting caverns, and cloaked in shadowy evergreen forests. The valleys between these mountains are similarly overgrown and daunting, their rivers running swiftly and through many rapids.   Much of Shurrock is thickly forested, and the Realm itself is constantly shadowed by its own floor, which keeps the sun out of sight. However, the intervening atmosphere does generate a mild light that coordinates with an ordinary day/night cycle.

Localized Phenomena

Shurrock is subject to the same localized gravity and intelligence effects on beasts as Bytopia as a whole.


Shurrock is slightly cooler than Dulthion, though still overall a temperate region. Some say that wind, rain, and other "wild" weather is more common on this side. The seasons are relatively predictable and regular, though extremes of all weather sorts are possible.

Fauna & Flora

Shurrock is most famous for being the home of Adamantine Dragons. They mainly make their lairs on the outer shell of Bytopia, from which they can see for many miles in all directions, but several lair in the interior of Shurrock, as well. Because of the dragon's presence, other large or especially vicious monsters are rare.   That is not to say, however, that Shurrock's wildlife is harmless. The natural predation of a carnivore is not considered evil under the eyes of the Dragons, and thus prey are not excepted from it. Similarly, while all creatures on Bytopia possess intelligence comparable to humans, this does not mean the beasts there behave as tame animals.

Natural Resources

The mountains and deep earth of Shurrock are rich in gems and precious metals, which the gemcutters and smiths of Dulthion are famous for crafting into top-notch works. As well, the abundant population of game animals is enticing to hunters, but the increased intelligence of the creatures has raised ethical questions, as well as adding an obvious and significant level of difficulty to the enterprise.


Those who go to Shurrock typically go for one of two reasons: to prove themselves in some capacity of battle or courage, or to collect some of Shurrock's abundant resources. Mines in Shurrock strike pay dirt quickly, foraging is plentiful, the rivers full of fish and the forests full of game. The trick is leaving safely with your prize.
Island, Floating
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization