Mithardir Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


A flat waste of white, chalky dust on the outer borders of Arborea. Some say the land itself is dying.


The desert is flat and featureless, stretching eternally toward the edge of the Wheel. Its temperature is neither hot nor cold, and is always unbearably dry. Its floor is composed of white, chalky dust, and is completely without dune or valley. It is marred only by what bits of ancient ruin have not yet been disintegrated by the dust's grating.

Localized Phenomena

The air is uncommonly still in this province. When it stirs, it picks up gritty storms of the white, glasslike dust. Though it never rains, the region is occasionally blasted with thunderstorms.


Hints in Arborean songs suggest that Mithardir was not always a desert, but once a lush and beautiful, green land. Such references describe it as a place of incredible beauty, but little is known about how it was destroyed.
Alternative Name(s)
Location under

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