The Infernal Beurocracy of Baator Organization in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

The Infernal Beurocracy of Baator

A realm of sinister cruelty, organized into a strict caste system. The flow of souls into Baator and their corruption into Devils for the Blood War is the lifeblood of Baator.   Every rule of this beurocratic state exists to ensure the constant flow of souls into Baator, the progress of its advance into the Abyss, and the security of its leaders.


The Nine Hells is organized under a strict caste system. This system divides all citizens of Baator into Lesser and Greater Devils, who are led by the Archdukes, who in turn answer to Asmodeus.   In these listings, a higher number indicates a higher rank.

Least Devil

  All Devils/Baatezu are created as Lemures, which thus occupy the lowest rank.  

Lesser Devils

  1. Gulthir
  2. Ayperobos
  3. Legion Devils
  4. Nupperibo
  5. Xerfilstyx
  6. Advespa
  7. Imp
  8. Spined Devil
  9. Cocrachon
  10. Bearded Devil
  11. Death Devil
  12. Ghargatula
  13. Steel Devil
  14. Barbed Devil
  15. Hunter Devil
  16. Chain Devil
  17. Bone Devil
  18. Logokron 
  19. Hell Knight

Greater Devils

  1. Styx Devil
  2. Falxugon
  3. Horned Devil
  4. Erinyes
  5. Corruption Devil
  6. Ice Devil
  7. Assassin Devil
  8. Pit Fiend

Infernal Nobility

The governance and leadership of these devils is entrusted to Dukes, who are especially-capable and favored Greater Devils. These Dukes answer to the Archdukes.   Archdukes are unique, elevated Devils. Some are said to have been promoted from Greater Devils, but many predate lower forms of Baatezu and are said to be the corrupted forms of the original Celestial forces sent to fight the Abyss. Baator is divided among these Archdukes. Traditionally, only one Archduke rules each circle of Hell. An exception was made for the father-daughter pair of Belial and Fierna.   All devils answer to Asmodeus, the Supreme Master of the Nine Hells.

Demography and Population

Due to Baator's ability to create fiends, the demography of Baator is nearly entirely fiend. For the remaining, statistically-unimportant number of non-fiend creatures who live in the Realm, it's a matter of time.

Foreign Relations

Baator forms one side of the infamous Blood War with the Abyss. Contemporary Baator is an evolution of the Celestial forces originally dispatched to beat back the Abyssal Hordes. However, some whisper that the Supreme Master now has his own goals.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Nine Hells of Baator
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Coin and material goods have no value in Baator. The only currency the Beurocracy cares about is souls.
Major Exports
To trade for souls, Baator will procure nearly anything. Its most reliable export is slaves, usually in return for the certainly-corrupt slaver's soul upon their passing.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Articles under The Infernal Beurocracy of Baator

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa