9. Nessus Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

9. Nessus

The Ninth Hell is the deepest, a cavern so tall the mist that fills its upper chambers can easily be mistaken for a sky. It is scarred by many sheer crags and canyons which split the earth. Blisteringly hot and toxic in its atmosphere, Nessus is a place of inescapable torment.


Nessus' defining geographic trait is the many canyons which cut through its red-hot stone. From these knife-like scars, which extend thousands of miles downward, new fiends are born, and several are home to even more terrifying fauna. The upper reaches of the cavern are clouded by yellow, sulphuric fog, giving the illusion of sky from below.   The River Styx flows through Nessus from the layers above it, gathering in a small lake before falling into the same canyon which hosts Malsheem and continuing through the earth, emerging in Gehenna.
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Cover image: Nessus (Fiendish Codex II) by Dave Allsop