Unseelie Fey Ethnicity in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

Unseelie Fey

Unseelie fey are those belonging to The Unseelie Court, who swear fealty to the Queen of Air and Darkness.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The Wild Hunt is a much-beloved unseelie event: a rampage of powerful fey across the realms, hunting and kidnapping a different kind of prey each year. What dictates the timing of the Wild Hunt is—terrifyingly—opaque to non-fey, and only the chaos it sows is certain.


Beauty Ideals

Fey who consider themselves "Unseelie" see beauty in negativity. Like all fey, their aesthetic tastes bend toward the chaotic, but with leanings of entropy and destruction rather than the vivacity that pervades seelie work.   Unseelie also find beauty and pleasure in negative emotions, entropy, and destruction. Pursuit of these ideals can range from ill-natured pranks such as tying shoelaces together or vandalism, to more serious affairs of torture, desecration of corpses, or bio-terrorism.
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations
Related Locations

Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa