Quantum Suspension Chamber - Age Suspension Procedure

What is the Quantum Suspension Chamber and the Age Suspension Procedure?

The Quantum Suspension Chamber is a disturbing innovation by the Imperial Technologic and Medical Research Institute, developed to temporarily halt aging. The chamber is integrated into room walls, fitting most humanoid shapes and sizes, and is illuminated by a sinister red glow. Each room houses only one chamber, with about half a dozen currently in operation. The technology and power source are mysterious, but an anxiety-inducing hum permeates the building where the chambers reside.   Marketed as an Age Suspension Procedure, this cutting-edge treatment freezes patients' cells at a quantum level, effectively locking the body into a state of non-aging. The institute guards the details of how the Quantum Suspension Chamber works, though theories abound. Some suggest that the technology shifts patients out of sync with reality, allowing them to live normally while their bodies cease to age. Others speculate the chambers harness Abnormality Objects capable of halting the aging process.   The procedure is extremely expensive, accessible only to the wealthy, with bookings made months in advance. Revenue from the treatments funds further research at the institute, both for improving the Quantum Suspension Chamber and other projects. Governed by the Imperial Council of Planets, the institute remains enigmatic and unsettling in its operations and goals.


The below is an instructional write-up that is provided to all patients who are receiving the Age Suspension Procedure. Patients are strongly encouraged to read it thoroughly and to follow its instructions carefully.
Pre-Procedure Instructions

10 Days Prior:
  • Begin a strict diet provided by the Imperial Technologic and Medical Research Institute.
  • Consume the provided nutrient-dense liquid daily as directed alongside the instructed diet.
2 Days Prior: Transition to a liquid-only diet, drinking only the specially designed nutrient-dense liquid provided by the Imperial Technologic and Medical Research Institute. Abstain from any solid foods.   Day of Procedure

  • Check-in at the Imperial Technologic and Medical Research Institute facility and proceed to the preparation area.
  • Strip down and store personal belongings in the provided secure lockers.
Microbial Eradication:
  • Enter the decontamination chamber where viral microbes are eradicated from your skin.
  • Follow the technician's instructions precisely to ensure complete decontamination.
Primary Procedure:
  • Attendee will direct you to enter the Quantume Suspension Chamber.
  • Remain still as the machine encloses around you.
  • The procedure will commence; details are undisclosed for security reasons.
  • Remain calm and follow all instructions provided by the medical staff.
  • In an emergency do not panic, staff will instruct you as required.

Immediate Aftercare:
  • Rest in the designated recovery area for several hours, or until the medical staff deems it safe for you to leave.
  • You may experience extreme exhaustion; this is normal.
  • Receive a strict dietary regimen to follow for the next several weeks. A severe lack of appetite is normal.
  • Obtain additional nutrient-dense drink supplies for home consumption.
  • Fill out a daily journal documenting your condition and any side effects. Note any anomalies or discomfort you may be feeling.

  • Schedule your next procedure for four to six months later to maintain the halted aging process.
  • Be aware that missing a session may result in accelerated aging.
  Note: Adhere strictly to all instructions and report any unusual symptoms immediately to the institute.

True Purpose

While the Quantum Suspension Chamber technology has been offered to a small selection of public citizens and is being treated like a publically accessible medical service it is an experiment being conducted to gather information. In reality, the procedure is extremely hazardous, far more dangerous than what is being advertised to people. The experiment is being conducted so that information can be collected on the short and long-term effects of the procedure on unsuspecting recipients.   So far, while the procedure does work, the potential for "catch-up" complications is high and frequently happens with patients. However, the public often does not hear about this as these individuals are quickly rounded up and studied, their quickly aged forms being poked and prodded by researchers trying to gather information to help perfect the procedure.    The institute's ultimate goal is to develop a procedure that will permanently elongate the lives, or permanently halt the aging, of high-status military and political leaders in the Imperial Council of Planets — and eventually the entire Imperial Founder race. All this is to further evolve the genetic superiority of the Imperial Founder race by adding extended life or immortality to their growing list of forced evolutionary abilities.   This, in theory, sounds insane, however, over thousands of years that the Imperial Founder's have been present in the Delta Space they have already highly modified themselves on a genetic level. Changing themselves from simple Founders, a terrestrial race of humanoid people, to their current Imperial forms. Genetically modified to be stronger, faster, and more tactically minded.   These forced evolutions were completed via very similar methods as the ones being conducted now via the Quantum Suspension Chamber — with subtle and controlled experiments using the population as test subjects. Once these methods were perfected they slowly exposed their entire race to the changes, and slowly over generations, they were all metamorphisized.   The hope is that the information gathered via the current interaction of the Quantum Suspension Chamber and the Age Suspension Procedure will lead to a perfected procedure that can be more easily and effectively administered to important figures without the change of "Catch-up" effects. The Imperials are hoping to roll this genetic alteration out much faster than previous changes — which took dozens of generations. This time they hope to force these evolutions to their species within the next generation or two.
The Quantum Suspension Chamber is an experimental chamber that temporarily halts aging on a quantum level, essentially granting extended life. The process, called the Age Suspension Procedure is conducted secretly by an Imperial Council of Planets research and development arm called the Imperial Technologic and Medical Research Institute.   The procedure is expensive, dangerous, and unstable. Known for their genetic manipulations, the council’s procedure carries the risk of sudden, fatal decay if a "catch-up" occurs. Clients must follow a strict pre-procedure diet, enter a sterilization machine, and endure the mysterious, exhausting process. Repeat sessions are required every four to six months to avoid accelerated aging.
"Catch-up" Complications
"Catch-up" is a terrifying complication of the Age Suspension Procedure. After enjoying a period of unnatural youth, patients might suddenly experience a rapid and violent aging process, where time viciously reclaims its due. This slingshot effect can lead to a grotesque metamorphosis, where the body decays at an accelerated pace, leaving the victim frail and near death in moments.   It is not known how this complication occurs, and seemingly happens at random, but it is a major hurdle for researchers of this procedure to overcome. This complication has not been made public, and public occurrences of "Catch-up" are quickly covered up with the victim being taken away for observation. No reversal of "Catch-up" is possible currently, and most researchers believe that no reversal will ever be possible. So, focus is being put into perfecting the Age Suspension Procedure so that "Catch-up" doesn't occur at all, or at least only occurs in rare cases.
Nutrient-dense Liquid
This liquid, provided by the institute to the patient before, during, and after the procedure is complete is what it says it is. It's a nutrient-dense liquid designed to help the patient stay fully healthy regardless of whether they are eating solid foods or not. However, it is much more than that as well.   The liquid also has several slowly decaying inert and dyed microbes added to allow researchers to track levels of decay before, during, and after the procedure. This allows for the researchers to, at any point, take a blood sample from the patient, easily find the microbes and then note how much they've decayed, or if they've decayed at all. If the procedure was a success, these microbes should be frozen in place at whatever level of decay they were at before the procedure was conducted. If they are decaying, then it shows that the procedure wasn't fully successful and that the researchers should likely keep an eye on that particular patient.
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