The Abnormality Relief Organization

Who are the Abnormality Relief Organization?

The Abnormality Relief Organization (ARO) is dedicated to aiding those impacted by the unpredictable and often dangerous consequences of Abnormality Events and Abnormality Objects.   With chapters in the Federated Territories of Vash, O. Sec F, The Variance, and the Exon Authority, ARO provides specialized support, from emergency response teams that neutralize or contain rogue Abnormality Objects to rehabilitation programs for individuals traumatized by these encounters.   Their operators are equipped with technology designed to mitigate the effects of anomalies. Their elite agents are trained in the handling and usage of Abnormality Objects, and many of them, carry and use the controversial items — a fact that many recipients of their aid find unsettling. The agents themselves while there to assist often give off a cold and detached demeanour, especially those elite agents tasked with retrieving the most dangerous of Abnormality Objects.   Despite their cold demeanour and the unsettling nature of their work, the ARO remains a crucial lifeline for communities living under the shadow of these dangerous occurrences, offering hope and protection against the inexplicable threats that lurk beyond the veil of normalcy.  

The Abnormality Containment Coffin

ARO's field agents are equipped with many unique tools and knowledge to handle the bizarre and unsettling nature of Abnormality Events. One of their tools is called the Abnormality Containment Coffin, a coffin-shaped container deployed to encase an Abnormality Object, nullifying its effects.   The public is not privy to this technology's details, and nobody knows exactly how it works. Only the ARO understands the technology at work here. The ARO has faced controversy for not sharing this technology's design with the wider world.   These containment units emit a disconcerting, low-frequency hum to pacify agitated Abnormality Objects, frequently causing headaches and disturbing dreams for those nearby. However, the agents seem unperturbed by the operation of this containment unit.
An Abnormality Containment Coffin with a captured Abnormality Object inside

The ARO Regional Headquarters of the Exon Authority Branch

ARO Regional Headquarters

Their headquarters in each region are brutalist behemoths of concrete with few windows. Those who do not work for the relief organization are not allowed inside. Inside is a vast maze of office spaces, training areas, and containment zones. It would not be easy to navigate for those who do not already know their way.   Each headquarters has a strict hierarchy all being headed by the Chief Operating Agent (COA), who is not only in charge of each agent deployed in the region but is also responsible for the headquarters operation and all Abnormality Objects contained within it.   Each Abnormality Object contained within each regional headquarters is placed inside a room that is specifically designed to contain its particular power, while also being monitored at all times. These areas are heavily restricted and only agents with top credentials have access to them, and even then no one agent is allowed to enter into one of these containment units unsupervised. If one of these objects would be beneficial in the retrieval of another object still at large its use in the retrieval of the new item will be considered. However, many objects are far too powerful to ever be released from containment.  

The Paper Shredder Incident

Several months ago, a team of agents was deployed to a mining office in the The Exon Authority, their mission was to contain and retrieve an Abnormality Object called the Dimensional Paper Shredder.   This particular object was rather nasty, as it typically appeared in office rooms, ran amok, and then disappeared folding into itself and warping away to cause terror elsewhere.   Visually, the shredder appears like many other paper shredders, a medium-sized rectangular box with a horizontal shredder machine placed on top and a clear plastic bin to hold shredded material.   Its power enables it to drag in anything or anyone within a dozen or so feet and shred them, depositing a shredded piece of paper into its basket that resembles the item or person it had just shredded.
The Dimensional Paper Shredder
  If you were to examine the shreds of paper, if you are able to find and line up all the pieces, the person that was shredded would be staring back at you, wordlessly begging for help being somehow trapped in a dimensional fold enacted by the shredding process.   When the ARO agents arrived at the office, several employees had already been sucked in and shredded by the Dimensional Paper Shredder, while the rest of the office evacuated. The team got to work sweeping the building for any remaining people still left inside and removing them from the space before attempting to approach the room in which the shredder sat.   When the team approached the room the shredder occupied, they saw that the entire room had been stripped of all its furnishings. The wastebasket of the shredder was quite full, and the shredder was seemingly inoperable and at full capacity. One of the newer agents seeing this as a sign it was safe to approach did so, and before the more experienced lead agent could stop him, the shredder turned on once more, pulling the agent into its grasp and shredding him mercilessly.   The lead agent pulled her team together and was quickly soon thereafter able to contain the shredder using a combination of an Abnormality Object they had already been retrieved on a previous mission called the PermaLok Adhesive Tape and an Abnormality Containment Coffin. Using the PermaLok Adhesive tape to keep themselves anchored to the floor while they installed the coffin over top of the object.   Sadly, these sorts of incidents, while unfortunate, are not uncommon. Agents lose their lives whilst dealing with these objects and events all the time. However, this was a somewhat rarer occurrence where the agent in question, is not likely dead but lost in a sort of limbo. Potentially conscious but lost indefinitely, unless the shreds can be retrieved and put back together. But even then no one knows how to reverse the effects fully and release those that have been shredded.   So, the shredder now sits in its own containment unit deep in the ARO Regional Headquarters in Exon Authority space. Its waste basket full of its shredded victims, not quite dead, but not quite alive either.
The Abnormality Relief Organization (ARO) is a group that helps those affected by Abnormality Events and Objects. They do so at no cost and specialize in the containment and retrieval of Abnormality Objects and management of the effects of Abnormality Events.    When retrieving Abnormality Objects they use a variety of containment and retrieval tools, including the controversial use of Abnormality Objects they've received prior. They house previously retrieved Abnormality Objects in one of their regional headquarters, each located in the regions in which they operate. They have chapters in the Federated Territories of Vash, O. Sec F, The Variance, and the Exon Authority. But will travel to other territorial discreetly when called upon.
Table of Contents

ARO Agents - Erased
ARO agents are mysterious people, their backgrounds erased from the records once they join the organization. The reasons for this are unconfirmed, but it is thought to be twofold: first, the agents' duties are so dangerous that they cannot have any ties to their past; and second, the agents and the organization itself hold an enormous number of Abnormality Objects.    The less information available about the organization and its agents, the less likely it is that the objects can be traced back to the company or risk being stolen. The ARO does its best to mitigate any future damage caused by an Abnormality Object that has already been retrieved and contained by one of their agents.

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