Congress of Concerned Citizens

The Congress of Concerned Citizens is one of three rival powers that vie for influence in the contemporary world of Magicians' End. It is the philosophical heir to the traditions of secular non-magical democracy which found their earliest expression in the First Popular Ascendancy.


The Collective Studies is the name the Congress gives to a number of subordinate committes which guide the development of Congress settlements and their people.


The union was founded in Quarowl in the twilight years of the Sacred Coven and most commentators take this as evidence that the Sacred Coven was already weakening, since it offered no effective opposition to the establishment of what would rapidly become a new rival power structure.
Founding Date
10th Tivith, 6375 APC
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The Yabberers (Originally Pejorative)

Cover image: Magicians' End - Congress of Concerned Citizens by DMFW with Midjourney
Character flag image: Magicians' End - Congress of Concerned Citizens by DMFW with Midjourney


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