
The town of Yendle is on the north west coast of Tinturbean. It is a part of the Congress of Concerned Citizens.


Yendle was founded in 5222 BPC as the ice in the northern part of Tinturbean retreated sufficiently to open up the possibilities for repopulation. It was an ice free port which offered a route to Oroth for the export of regional products, primarily timber and animal furs, and the import of a variety of goods and services from the south.   In 2433 BPC, Yendle was selected to the the site of one of the four Harmonic Resonators installed by the Way of the Harmonic Path.  
Magicians' End - Harmonic Resonator - Ralsimoor.png
Harmonic Resonator - Yendle (Tinturbean) by DMFW with Midjourney
Founding Date
5222 BPC
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: Magicians' End - Yendle by DMFW with Midjourney


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