Quoklin's (Qwo-Klins (with a short o))
Quoklin's is an Inn on the Lower Markets level of the Cavern City of Carafon, named after the owner and landlord, which has become one of the most popular and fashionable places to eat and drink in the city over recent years.
The large building stands on a wharf on a western spur of the Market Canal, not far from the Wet Market, a convenient location, close enough to the market to attract trade, but just far enough away to be a retreat from the hustle and bustle of market business. It is easily reached on the water or on foot.
Internally, the structure is divided into two separate bars with a substantial kitchen to the north that opens into both of them. The Market Bar, shown at the head of the article, is the larger area and on market days it fills rapidly with traders and their customers, looking for food and drink.
The Mummer's Bar, shown below, caters for some eclectic patrons with radical politics. Many of the drinkers here belong to troupes of players that perform on a number of recognised open stages throughout the city and also take an active part in the major festivals, particularly the Festival of Thyme and Spice.
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