The Society of Arcane Adepts

The Society of Arcane Adepts was a guild designed to support magic users throughout Magicians' End. It was founded in 75 APC in the city of Ralsimoor, by what remained of the Hylacon Peoples after the transcendence of their prophet and the loss of so many of their numbers in the great sacrifice at the Easter Gate.


In addition to providing routine asssitance by facilitating mutual aid and fostering appreticeships, the Society of Arcane Adepts organised the Festival of the Elements, a periodic celebration of matters musical, sporting and magical with elements of competition, drama and feasting and drinking.   The Festival starting in 682 APC and was a continuing (although sometimes interupted) tradition until the 131st in 2410 APC, the disasterous outcome of which brought the entire society into disrepute and accelerated its decline into obscurity.


The Society was never formally disbanded and some mages continued to claim allegance to it, for many years after the full scale rule of the Moderators' Council had replaced its functions, but in effect it ceased to operate as a working institution in 2412 APC at the end of the age of the Four Aerial Courts.


The Society was never especially prescriptive and certainly much less so than those bodies that concerned themselves with magical regulation and came later, such as the Moderators' Council. It did, however, warn strongly against certain practices, the most important of which, it considered to be a ban on experimentation with, or manifestation of, inter-dimensional gateways (aka portals).   In the aftermath of the Planar Conformation the Hylacon Peoples had learned much about the true nature of the Discontinuum and given the shocking after effects of both the Sundering and the intrusion of the Dark Domains, they had developed an understandable fear of the consequences of inter-realm transfers. These were known to potentially cause disturbances in the local Laws of Form and no one wanted to risk disrupting the defensive barriers which the Hylacon Gates were maintaining. Thus from the outset, the Society had a rule against creating or using gateways to other realms.   Agents of the Stability Council who operate within Magicians' End must always bear local sensitivities on this subject in mind and be especially discrete in their entry and exit into the realm. The dangers are real.   Any mage who was reported to be violating this once critical rule of the Society could be tried by a jury of their peers and executed.

75 APC - 2412 APC

Guild, Mages
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Related Traditions

Articles under The Society of Arcane Adepts

Cover image: Magicians' End - The Badge of the Society of Arcane Adepts by DMFW with Midjourney
Character flag image: Magicians' End - The Badge of the Society of Arcane Adepts by DMFW with Midjourney


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