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Chapter 4: System; Start

General Summary

As the Polaris II arrives, a commotion from the north drives the party aboard the ship. At that very moment, 20 members of the Crimson Oars come rushing out, attempting to kill the party and reclaim the artifact. According to Red Wrecker, the mercenaries were trying to keep the party in the manor as long as possible, while the rest of their forces stormed in and cornered the party inside. However, before the party has time to relax, a large golden ship comes into view and quickly catches up to the Polaris. Olani, Mannim, and Lillia man a deck-mounted ballista and are able to heavily damage the enemy ship causing it to retreat. After landing back in Amaranthine, Red Wrecker invites the party to rest in his “secret safehouse’ which is completely off the grid while he fixes the ship. 
This safehouse belongs to Red’s mother, Ada Sinclair, who used to provide medical aid to The Freemen of the Dales during the war, so it is stocked up with healing potions and places to sleep. After healing up, the party heads back to Jarver in the Warehouse District for their payment, but this time he isn’t alone. He is joined by two members of the Freemen, Sebastien, and Theirinfall who were after the artifact and paid Jarver to find capable individuals willing to steal it for them. Now that the party has proved themselves, Sebastien tells the party that a group known as the Biomancers has grown in strength after the death of Dr.Ciradyl Liakas and he is worried that they could become powerful allies to the Tevinter Imperium. He needs information and is willing to pay handsomely for it. 
The party then makes their way to the Greenspire Labs to question some scientists in hopes of gathering some information about the Biomancers. While wandering the vast halls, Ayihn finds a tall Water Genasi named Halcyon who seems to have been created in the labs and hasn’t seen much of the outside world. With their help, the party can traverse the facility without garnering too much suspicion and make their way to the lab of Trilid Rumarrow, Liakas’ former assistant. However, it turns out that he too has become a Biomancer after the death of his boss and he isn’t the only one in the facility pushing the boundaries of science.

Created Content


A diary found in Trilid's lab:

Diary Day 15 Just acquired some of Liakas’ old notes. It’s mostly a man delving deep into madness and obsession, but there is some genius in his writing. He talks of melding the soul of a human with the essence of Lyrium and he was on the verge of a breakthrough, but he was rushed, unable to fully test different theories. I think I know a way to improve his designs.

Day 16 It seems that Liakas was implanting a shard of Lyrium at the core of his patients, but it seems that their bodies rejected the implant. If the patients had some sort of exoskeleton that could expose the subject to Lyrium over a longer period of time, there would be a higher probability of the host body accepting the foreign object. I will run this theory past Fenn and see if she can build a prototype for me. Now I just need enough Lyrium to test and a place to text my experiments.
  Day 17 Got in contact with a Biomancer in Horticulture, who says she has a client willing to fund my experiments and produce them in bulk. My first prototype goes active tonight, I’m so glad Liakas is going to see my improvements to his design. I have gone beyond the restrictions of lesser scientists, I am no longer doing a little experiment, I am designing the new dominant species of Kios and soon far beyond
Report Date
24 Feb 2023
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