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Kal- Sharock

Kal-Sharock is the home of the working class and organized crime. Many citizens either work in the local factories or work for the Carta. The Carta runs Kal-Sharock using bribes, threats, and extortion all to control a very important resource . . . Energy. Kal-Sharock is the closest island to The Maelstrom and is able to harvest energy from it using machines called The World Engines. These engines siphon astral energy from the Maelstrom and convert it to a usable form, and its uses are plentiful. The Carta manages the export of this energy to the other islands, which gives them a monopoly over energy production.  


Orzammar Station is an orbital station whose main focus is security. Their goal is to keep an eye on the residents of Kal- Sharock and quash any signs of an uprising. They are watchful of those who sympathized with the Freemen of the Dales. Additionally, it acts as a prison for criminals awaiting trial in Par Vollen.

Points of interest

Sevastopol Station  A dark station full of machines, criminals, and armed escorts transporting arcane energy to the other stations.  
    The Siphoning Stations  These 3 stations house the World Engines and are the most integral part of Kal-Sharock's economy. For that reason, the Carta keeps a particularly close eye on these facilities. 
    The Core  Here is where the Carta conducts various affairs and keeps an eye over the rest of the island. They are constantly plotting expansion and that usually means knocking down homes to build new streets and factories. 
  The Blooming Rose District Just outside of the Core is a street lined with a large collection of taverns, casinos, spas, and massage parlors. 
  Hightown  These are large residential buildings that tower above the streets below. Those who live in Hightown are immensely wealthy and usually travel between towers on floating Gondolas. Those who live at the tops of the towers require the occasional hit of oxygen as it is very thin up there. 
  Lowtown  Technically Hightown and Lowtown are the same buildings, but while Hightown reaches the outer limits of the air bubble that encapsulates Kios, Lowtown is built deep into the rock. The deeper one travels, the darker and more polluted the area becomes. Every day more and more are being built


Unlike the other islands, Kal- Sharock's "natural" light comes from the cosmic energy irradiating from the Maelstrom. The streets themselves are illuminated by talented mages and shopkeepers who keep lanterns lit and draw attention to their storefronts.
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