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Aurelian Titus


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

For an individual in their 80s, the Archon is in great condition physically.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aurelian Titus is the current Archon of the planet Kios. They are the decendent of eight generations of Archons and Emperors. He came to rule after their sibling, Adralla Titus vanished into the Frozen Sea.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Their major achievements revolve around quelling insurrection in the Fulmenos Star System. Archon Titus has never had to deal with all-out war, nor has any technological advancements occurred under their rule.

Failures & Embarrassments

The conflict between Tevinter and the Freemen of the Dales is seen as a failure for the Archon. Not only were they unable to eradicate the Freemen, their action's actually caused many to join the opposition.
Current Status
Ruling Kios
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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