Barataria Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Swallow Island

Motto: Sails, Sword, and Pride

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: The Grand Gangplank

Cities: Novasir and Gossamer Landing

Ruler(Race): Klaymore Libertalia (Free Peaks Dwarves)

Government Type: Confederation of Captains

Languages: Common

Religion: Religion only in private places

Qualities: Military Primary Focus. Commercial, Trade, Farming and Fishing Secondary Focus. Industry, Spells, and Magic Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Rogue and Sorcerer common, Barbarian and Gunslinger less common, Druid and Fighter uncommon.


Quick Description

Barataria ports are buzzing at every hour of the day and night, giving its inhabitants a place to tell stories, find pleasurable company, or in many cases drown one’s sorrows with drink or death. Originally a pirate society the residents of Barataria have renounced piracy for a place at High Table and to avoid the eventual extinction of their people. The change to legitimacy has not dampened the spirits of the locals who believe that all people were meant to sail as adventurers, explorers, or mercenaries when needed. They represent the strongest force on the ocean in the East Kessar Sea and though individualistic an attack on their island will be met with fury, as the recent battle with the Kervosh nation has shown. While not necessarily outlawed, prayers other than random exclamations of “praise Cayden,” or “Gozreh be damned,” are seen as strange and those making a scene may find themselves taking a long walk off a short pier.  

History(Coming Soon)



The Confederation of Barataria gives all those that are captain of a ship with at least two full masts the write to sign themselves into the confederation. While on land they are required to serve in court (which is often the nicest tavern in town), and make decisions for the greater good of Barataria. Being absent from a meeting by being at sea simply denies your vote. This has lead to a few captains who grow old and tired to become “Pier Dogs” who simply keep their ship moored indefinitely so they can play statesman. When decisions are major messengers are sent out and assemble the greater court, and the High Captain, duly elect, Klaymore Libertalia. She is a hard but fair dwarf, but has little time for pleasantries, and have the respect of the Confederation because of it.  


Those who commit themselves to piracy after signing the pledge to become citizens of Barataria are exiled, often congregating in the low tunnels of the Gith mountains scraping by there instead. Any crime committed on the is left for the person’s captain, or the Confederation to decide their fate. Most punishments are meant to demean law breakers, but a captain is held in low regard is there are not consequences for their crew. If the Confederation agrees a secondary punishment must take place, the captain will share in it. Gambling is rampant on the island nation, and not being able to pay one’s debts is the most common crime. Debt crimes are often treated with months or years of slavery on a ship to pay off what is owed.  


After threats, persuasion, and manipulation failed to gain Barataria’s aid in the brewing war of Kervosh, their Great Reclaimer attempted to intimidate the Confederation of Captains with a newly crafted war fleet. The battle that followed saw the loss of the ships Hob’s Knob, Premium Platinum, and Generosity from the Confederation. As payment for the slight, the Confederation destroyed of 43 ships, which was the majority of the Kervosh fleet, and a sacked their nearby harbor. Those ships dispersed back into the ocean, back to salvaging, exploring and mercenary work they are known for. Don’t take shit attitude is the truth of every Baratarian, and when they come to a fight they may be hurt but they fight hard enough to punch Asmodeus’ lights out. Those that come to a Baratarian port keeps that in mind, but if they come with good coin, or a chance to make good coin they can find friendship and camaraderie.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

The Grand Gangplank
Gossamer Landing
Klaymore Libertalia
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade

Recent Battle



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