Kervosh Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: North Cap

Motto: Purification in Flames

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Capital: Bonfire (formerly Oxenglade)

Cities: Great Crestwater, Pyre (formerly Palvested), Widetable Temple, Galveston’s Barricade, and Carnage (formerly Rikenhold)

Ruler(Race): Enka the Great Reclaimer (Ifrit Genieborn)

Government Type: Autocracy

Languages: Common, Ignan, and Orcish

Religion: Only Asmodeus is legally allowed to be worshipped

Qualities: Military Primary Focus. Industry, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus. Religion, Learning, and Science Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Ifrit, Half-Orc, Human, Tiefling, Dhampir, and Lizardfolk. Small population of other races.

Common Classes: Champion and Rogue common, Barbarian and Sorcerer less common, Fighter and Inquisitor uncommon.


Quick Description

Kervosh, which means uncontrollable fire in Ignan, is a nation that was once East Cavesh. It is now under the control of an autocratic Ifrit called the Great Reclaimer. While some citizens are just trying to keep their heads done, (a behavior well taught by their days of Zal-Mond rule) many have been entranced by her message of One Land, One Dycides. Those followers of the Reclaimer believe that Cavesh only fragmented to hold more seats on a council that rewards only tiny states. Their way of life was one of toil but no return, and the Great Reclaimer will unite the Dycides under her rule where a new justice for them can reign supreme. She may be hiring Pain Weaver Orcs from Gevat, Ethium Refugees, and Monstrous Beasts to get the job done but she is committed in make their lands the capital of a new nation. Some ethics must be broken to rebuild the world, and they were in the right to be represented by someone who is strong enough to bend wills.  

History(Coming Soon)



Enka Lorest’s history is mostly unknown, though she is originally of the Prekrine Desert. She lived in High Table for years, learning about the feud between North and South Cavesh, and saw an opportunity. As how to divide East Cavesh up was a sticking point slowing negotiation, she asked both sides of the argument to simply set her up as an interim leader to help finally bring this decade of debate to a close. Somehow, most assume by magical influence, both sides agreed to set her as a third party to hold the land and left them finalize the deal. The second she gained power she began to sow decent among the people of East Cavesh against their former neighbors. Each step was gradual, and had small revolts along the way, but over the last fifteen years she changed nearly everything. The national religion is now Asmodeus only. She burned her own capital to the ground with the help of her followers to cast of the shakles of old, and burn disbelievers alive. On its ruins she established the new capital of Bonfire. Every city had to raise monuments and subjugate themselves completely or they would face the same fate. Once her role as Autocrat was established her gaze and rhetoric shifted outward. She took Palvested from New Ferdalag, and made the leadership of the city sign over the rights to it before buring it down and building the city of Pyre from its ashes. She also attempted and failed to sway the Baratarian nation to kneel to her. Having given up on a grand navy she build her army preparing to throw the Dycides into a war unlike anything seen since the Age of Invasion.  


Laws in Kervosh are extreme. All judges are servants of Asmodeus, and delight in not only punishing ‘criminals’ in this lifetime, but making them sell their eternal souls to have any mercy. The only way to avoid the threat of the new government from taking your land was to send two members of your family into armed services. While there are not as many laws as with the Zal-Mond rulership the punishment for any seditious attitude is death by slow dismemberment, or being ripped apart by the beasts of the Mad Dog barbarians. Speaking out and changing things is no longer an option. Slavery is now common, and slave units in the Great Reclaimer’s army are being trained to be cannon fodder.  


Many, frustrated by years of Zal-Mond incompetence, join willingly and those who helped burn towns don’t see any way to back track their choices so they simply rationalize them. The few Kervosh citizens that successfully flee are often terrified of the Reclaimer coming to hunt them down. Those Kervosh loyalists that leave their land come with the confidence of a mad man. They preach that the time for talk will be over soon, and the Great Reclaimer brings peace in unity, and compliance to her will is the only answer that will not be met with death.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Great Crestwater
Widetable Temple
Galveston’s Barricade
Enka the Great Reclaimer
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade

Recent Battle


Edge of War

Edge of War


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