Blue Haven Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Blue Haven

Basic Info

Region: Sunken Island

Motto: Hearth and Home, Above and Below

Alignment: True Neutral

Capital: Undris

Cities: Bleta Rise

Ruler(Race): King Argo Saturscale XII (Undine Genieborn)

Government Type: Monarchy

Languages: Common, Elven, Aquan

Religion: Open Religious Views

Qualities: Spells and Magic Primary Focus. Fishing, Farming, and Religion Secondary Focus. Arts, Trade, and Commercial Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Primarily Undine, Elves, Half-Elves, and Halfling. Small populations of other races.

Common Classes: Druid and Sorcerer common, Cleric and Bard less common, Witch and Ranger uncommon.


Quick Description

A semiaquatic paradise, Blue Haven is the homeland of the Undine granted to them in ages past. Now with it’s vast libraries of arcane knowledge it also serves as a beacon to those who live under the waves. Merfolk, gillmen, and grindylow all are drawn to this island uniting above and below. Though their traditions are very set and personal to the Undine people, the society of Blue Haven are shrewd negotiators and know very well how to keep unwanted visitors from their paradise. Their attachment to the common pantheon is very strong and have distinct temples for every civilized faith in Undris.

History(Coming Soon)



Since the earliest age of Blue Haven there has been a king or queen or royal heritage. Many Undine can recite their connection through blood to the royal line, as nearly half are related by blood to the royal family. King Saturscale XII is a more cautious leader than his mother and predecessor Queen Ermela who died tragically of poisoning. He limits some trade routes, and has the distinct perspective that the poisoning may have been a plot from the Seasword Alliance. No one is sure who gave him the idea, but it seems well set in his mind, though his councilors are doing their best to ameliorate his foul moods. Though the land is filled mirth and joy, it is mixed with sadness as many humans have been evicted from their land and their druids create storms to make it clear that human crafted vessels will not approach Blue Haven.  


While there are many laws governing the people of Blue Haven, a sense of general cordiality to confused outsiders is accepted. Those who break laws by accident often are greeted by a judge who explains the grievance and are let free soon afterward. When someone breaks a law with obvious intent or a second time they find Blue Haven much less hospitable. Drawing a blade or casting a spell in anger is likely to draw a crowd of citizens tackling they unaware betrayer of trust in the community.  


While trade is generally a welcome thing, and the merchants who sprawl across the island are well fed on their sales, recent changes toward trade has decreased supplies through surface dwelling visitors. To alleviate this conflict Blue Haven has hired halfling companies to help keep their trade flourishing and included Imperial elves in more exchanges of goods.   In general the people of Blue Haven are kind to those who travel to enjoy what the island has to offer, to do service with their homeland, or start a home in Blue Haven themselves. They generally expect anyone visiting to say what their intents are openly and clearly, and any that seem to hide their purpose in Blue Haven are treated with suspicion and will likely find their steps watched by many eyes.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Bleta Rise
King Argo Saturscale XII
Geopolitical, Country

Non Human Open Trade



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