Seasword Alliance Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Seasword Alliance

Basic Info

Region: The Grownland and East Jatu Forest

Motto: Strong Arm, Long Reach

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Capital: Skuldmoring

Cities: The Glass Citadel, Twinrun, Dead Tree City, Marsh Cove, Fort Seabowel, Koralltine, North Growth Harbor

Ruler(Race): Sealords of North Kessar (Dycides Humans)

Government Type: Feudalism (Lords can be challenged for rights to rule)

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis in Cayden Cailean

Qualities: Farming and Fishing Primary Focus. Military and Industry Secondary Focus. Religion, Commercial, and Trade Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: 70% Human, 30% Cosmopolitan.

Common Classes: Fighter and Barbarian common, Ranger and Rogue less common, Champion and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

The Seaswords are a valiant people who first established their lands in the Age of Vacancy. For the majority of their existence, similar to their Imperial Elf neighbors they were of one race, Human Dycidesfolk. In the current age they became the Seasword Alliance as they allowed integration of their lands. Nearly forty years ago they had their land nearly doubled in size by an event called by them the Growth, and rechristened their land the Grownland. This event, caused by a nameless druid, created great upheaval with merfolk who had cities destroyed by the sudden rising of land. This conflict was ended quickly as the Seaswords are excellent fighters and barbarians who love a fight.  

History(Coming Soon)



The Seasword Alliance is more similar to the Seven Scales Tribes than they will ever admit. Each city establishes their own rules and laws with little uniformity between them. A city Captain is determined by who has the strongest crew and captain that calls that city its home and the current Captain can be challenged at any time for rights to control the city. A mostly non-lethal battle takes place in the harbor, and afterwards those with the fewest men thrown in the water are the victors. A Captain’s role sets the standard punishments for crimes or establishes new acts or repeals old acts as crimes. Captain turnover usually happens about once a season, or for an able bodied crew, can last years.  


Those called Landmen are the judges in the community of the Seasword Alliance. Punishments follow the Old Dycides norms unless changed by the current Captain of the city. With the induction of the new land mass, it took a fair amount of time to get agreements to who could control what land, eventually setting it to a general free doe all, where people could lay acre claims of they provided crop yields to the nearest town to their claim. They crop growth was so shockingly large that new cities were formed on the peninsula to accommodate the bounty from their new land. The nameless druid, has a segment of the elves forest were none are allowed to trespass or face death, and some think that great miracle was only to gain this plot, but no one knows to whom the deal was struck.  


Embracing the ideals if Cayden Cailean, conflict between the Imperial Elves and the Seaswords Alliance is natural. Their cities are often bustling with chaos and energy, and are exciting and eventful places to live filled with dramas every moment. One universal distrust is magic, especially arcane magic. Not a well educated region there are few arcane magic users, and those interested in it’s use are often ill-treated by their neighbors for doing demon-ish things. Witches ironically are the most accepted casters of arcane magic as their often rural lifestyle is seen at least not as stuffy and high and mighty as wizardfolk.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

The Glass Citadel
Dead Tree City
Marsh Cove
Fort Seabowel
North Growth Harbor
Sealords of North Kessar
Geopolitical, Country


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