High Table Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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High Table

Basic Info

Region: Gathol Mountains

Motto: Order Guiding Civilization Forward

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Shathurgathol aka High Table aka Cloud Fortress aka Heavenspire

Cities: Skyspear, Raised City of Avarmund, and Taluside Watch

Ruler(Race): Key Council (various)

Government Type: Theocracy (Was Torag, now Abadar)

Languages: Common, Draconic and Giant

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis in Abadar

Qualities: Commercial and Trade Primary Focus. Religion, Learning, and Science Secondary Focus. Industry and Military Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan, slightly higher dwarf population and half-orc population.

Common Classes: Champion and Inquisitor common, Cleric and Monk less common, Oracle and Fighter uncommon.


Quick Description

Built to house the Gods of their age, the lands of High Table are punctuated by a near continuous storm, filling rivers through the great sluiceway the Cloud Canal. On the greatest mountain in the range, above the clouds is Shathurgathol, the Cloud Fortress. Who occupies the cloud fortress has changed over the ages of the Dycides, now it is mostly empty, and the jurisdiction of the Key Council and the meeting place for the High Table Council, whose words are the Law of the Dycides. High Table is both the name of the land and the great capital city which is seen as the seat of all civilization. Its vast sweeping Golden Market, the center of the Dycides Banking Guild, Statues of Guard, Grand Festival Grounds, and Lake of Crystal are a few of the great wonders of this land. Kept by Abadar’s chosen, those who wish to advance the civilization of the world or engage in trade with the greatest market on the continent are welcome.

History(Coming Soon)



In ancient days the Coalhearts and Silverbloods worked the mountains depths and heights respectively, guided by masters long departed now. The Coalhearts dishonored themselves into exile, white the Silverblood were enraged by the trust toward Abadar over Torag and left. Now the caretakers of civilization are the magnanimous Clergy of Abadar, who wish only to see all lands thrive. As Abadarism spread from the east, it brought with it a centralized identity of a god that was not only dwarven but seen to represent all races, respecting all gods who brought more than abject destruction. In matters of matter the Key Council meets together to discuss and come to a resolved front on the issue. All members must discuss or agree, there is no agreeing to disagree, only the absolute answer decided by the clergy. Those wishing to join the Key Council face a myriad of tests to discern the character and perspective of the applicant. Currently there are 51 members of the Key Council of various ages and ancestry. All members would lay down their life to protect the sanctity of the Cloud Fortress they feel blessed to reside in.  


There are no prisons in High Table, and so any that need to be imprisoned are instead sent to Sanctuary to face punishment there. Crime is rare under the watchful eyes of Abadar’s faithful, and usually is punished with monetary losses. Those who commit heinous crimes lose status and in most nations their wealth is redistributed throughout their community. Many measures are taken to make the Golden Market incredibly secure and moves toward violence often are destroyed by the monks of Abadar before significant damage can be done. Corruption is constantly being sought out and destroyed utterly, as abuse of power and bribery are seen as sinful behavior to those chosen by Abadar.  


Golden Eagles patrol the lands of High Table, and similarly to lands of the Imperial Elves, one assumes they are watched constantly. That being said those that venture up the High Table find a place where they can find great ease and comfort if they have the coin for it. Through the banking guild funds deposited can be recalled as needed, giving access to trade with ease secured in the vaults of Abadar himself. While not necessarily a warm people the Key Council are genteel and respectful to all that venture to their lands.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

High Table
The appearance of the mountain
The appearance of the crowning castle
Raised City of Avarmund
Taluside Watch
The Key Council
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade

Defensive Pact


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