Atholia Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Basic Info

Region: Bulette Plains

Motto: Obedience, Respect, Power

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Capital: Dauntless

Cities: Blacktooth Fortress, Walled City of Valor, and Sharkskin Fort City

Ruler(Race): General Neturn Colossus (Half Ajaran Elf)

Government Type: Citizen State (Fifteen years of military service for citizenship, as early as 10 years old)

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views, but any worshipper that does not put Gorum first is actively not trusted

Qualities: Military Primary Focus. Religion and Industry Secondary Focus. Farming, Fishing, Commercial, and Trade Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan, but fewer small races than normal.

Common Classes: Fighter and Champion common, Gunslinger and Cleric less common, Magus and Inquisitor uncommon.


Quick Description

Militaristic powerhouse of central Dycides, Atholia is a brutal culture where only the strong survive. Named for the first General of the Dycides United Army, Atholian put great value in citizenship. The right to have children, the right to own significant land, the right to vote is all attached to citizenship. To be a citizen means at least fifteen years of service in the Atholian military. Military academies start at age 10 and most parents give their children up at that age to be taken care of by the military, (about 10% don’t survive to reach their 25th birthday). The church of Gorum has a major influence on the culture but the land is not theocratic but a technically democratically elected leadership that views might of the nation above all things. Not necessarily anti-magic they have no formal education in it, believing that most battles were determined by tactics and brawn over spellcraft.  

History(Coming Soon)



Elections for the General are held every 6 years in high summer. The current General Neturn Colossus not only rules as head of state but annually fights and wins a winner take all tourney called the Dauntless Games. Many former Generals have competed in the games, and so the General is often proven both politically and martially to earn the praise of their people. We are entering the half way point of Neturn’s 5th term as General. His Generalship has been defined by economic prosperity due to sending recruits to train in other lands, educate guards in effiency, and collect a Dycid national tax for defense. He believes that soon High Table will call an emergency council for Atholia to deal with the Kervosh threat once and for all, and relishes the idea of putting down the threat personally. Many of his Gorumite councilors are pressuring him to move regardless of approval but the General stands poised ready for war, as do most of the nation.  


Breaking the law in Atholia brings grave repercussions. Brutal public floggings and branding are often a repercussion for minor infringements on the law. Major laws broken give prisoners a choice between years of brutal slavery, or years of serving in the military (which amounts to similar treatment as a known criminal). Some criminals can be reformed through service, and be given some status, but they will never gain all the rights of a citizen. Reproductive control is a cruelly controlled issue that includes infanticide as the inevitable result. Chastity belts are an industry in Atholia, but most who become pregnant having not served leave the country before they show signs of pregnancy around the wrong person. Most citizens are encouraged to have many children in case some are too weak or unable to serve, partially this keeps the population growing very slowly.  


The primary worship of Gorum, children put into brutal training from a young age, and the largest standing army in the Dycides makes most outsiders scratch their head. When asked “Why all the preparation, we are not at war,” the average Atholian says without a hint of irony, “War comes when you are not preparing for it.” While some Atholians are not concerned with becoming citizens, they are the minority, doing lesser jobs or at most running small farming, transportation, and merchant enterprises. The paved of Atholia have many luxuries through the military, such as paved and secure roads, many spacious abode (for citizens of course), and a swift messaging service all created by military engineers. Corruption very difficult and brutally efficient ideology has created an army of soldiers who are out of touch with the rest of the Dycides. ‘No one visits Atholia’ is a maxim in the Dycides, people go because they want to join their society or never visit because they see it as awful.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Blacktooth Fortress
Walled City of Valor
Sharkskin Fort City
General Neturn Colossus
Geopolitical, Country

Defensive Pact

Defensive Pact

Open Trade


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