Kingdom of White Flowers Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Kingdom of White Flowers

Basic Info

Region: Jatu Forest

Motto: The First and Last Civilization

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Capital: Cuivieaire

Cities: Esgalduin, Pelargir, Dinbarad, and Thangfaroth

Ruler(Race): Great King Kalas Veil III (Imperial Elf)

Government Type: Fascistic Monarchy

Languages: Draconic, Elven and Infernal

Religion: Worshipping Gods is punishable with death or slavery. Imperial Elves worship Ideals and not Gods.

Qualities: Military Primary Focus. Farming, Fishing, Spells, and Magic Secondary Focus. Industry, Learning, and Science Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Imperial Elves, small population of Undine and Halflings. 8% of the population are slaves, primarily human.

Common Classes: Wizard and Rogue common, Ranger and Witch less common, Alchemist and Magus uncommon.


Quick Description

Formed in the Age of Dragons, the Kingdom of White Flowers is as beautiful to behold as the elves that live there. The Jatu Forest was once a vast thing that covered most of the Northern Dycides. The cities of the Imperial Elves are breathtaking, works of artistry crafted with skill unseen outside of the cloud fortress and other structures of the ancients. Over time through negotiation with the Brithadan (the general term for non-elves, basically meaning people of dirt), or violence attacks from the humans of the Seasword Alliance, or Carcadan (fang people). For them the age of Dragons at least left them in a place of power, and now they are a people diminished but still proud. They believe one day they will destroy their enemies, or watch them destroy themselves, and crush what remains underfoot. For ill-treated their betters there will one day be a reckoning.  

History(Coming Soon)



The third of his line, the Great King Kalas Veil is a master of all magic and soon will enter his fourth century as keeper of the throne of True Light. His queen Andromeda is the greatest arcane archer in the land. Their twelve children represent some of the most skilled warriors and craftspeople in the realm. The Veil line is power, and illustrates the difference between Elf and Brithadan who among their greatest are but a pale shadow of the line of Veil. The King has had few needs to change laws other than to address the threat of the Carcadan. Occasionally he will go hunting in the Eastwood himself alone and find spies of their foul race and drag them back to serve in the human kennels and one day perhaps make a useful servant to serve their true Gods in flesh. One change the current king has made, on his wife’s behest, is to increase the stringent consequences for elves breaking laws. What makes the Imperial Elves strong is their rigor, and she found that too many of the true people were becoming more lax in demeanor and moral, and so show a weakness to the world beyond their forest.  


Any non-elf or undine who commits a crime is sentenced into slavery along with all of their kin if they brought kin with them to the Kingdom of White Flowers. While laws are not multitudinous, any accepted to walk in the forest can assume every word they say, spell they cast, thought they think is being monitored at all times. Elves or Undine who are not Imperial are punished with banishment, while under the strict statutes developed by Queen Andromeda, Imperial elves can face large monetary losses, or more painfully lack of status or title. Those elves that commit a capital offense are exiled. Of course a non-imperial Elf committing a capital crime can expect to live a long life of careful torture or be sent back to their homeland without limbs, tongue, teeth or eyelids dragged behind a horse. Worth noting, not killing a half-elf, or showing any empathy for a Carcadan is a capital offense.  


The Traderfolk halflings know the meaning of profit and are very careful around the Imperial elves and have a monopoly on land trade routes with the Imperial Elves. Their only other trade partnership is with the Undine of Blue Haven. They are in a cold war with their neighbors, the Seasword Alliance, but they do participate in negotiations in High Table albeit with contempt for the whole affair, sullied to hear the minds of these other worthless ‘leaders.’ Their procession to High Table is often accompanied by their most loyal slaves who they teach to despise the congregation of usurpers they are forced to meet. Yep, full assholes in every way.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Great King Kalas Veil III
Great Queen Andromeda Veil
Geopolitical, Country

Little to No Trade


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