New Ferdalag Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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New Ferdalag

Basic Info

Region: South Cavesh

Motto: Freedom is our Strength

Alignment: Neutral Good

Capital: Radiance Shore

Cities: Dragonbrew Holdings, Lanercost, Longfang Keep, and Scrumfalls Monastery

Ruler(Race): Cetista Grick (Riverborn Grippli)

Government Type: Democracy

Languages: Common

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis for Shelyn

Qualities: Art Primary Focus. Military, Learning, and Science Secondary Focus. Spells, Magic, Farming, and Fishing Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Bard and Champion common, Fighter and Rogue less common, Oracle and Monk uncommon.


Quick Description

One of the two newest nations in the Dycides, formed 18 years ago from a revolution and diplomacy to follow the New Ferdalag people see themselves as finally free of the yoke and toil set by their northern oppressors. Lovers of the arts and music they are a home to many bards and creators of beautiful things. Taking Shelyn as their patron they take pride in their pristine cities and culture based around kindness and a fair treatment of their citizens. As a fledgling nation trying to rebuild its identity their greatest challenge is being surrounded by nations that do not share their values and lacking the military might to defend themselves effectively. After the recent loss of Palvested they are being forced to respond carefully lest their beautiful landscape be unable to heal from the scars of new war.  

History(Coming Soon)



When Cavesh was a single nation, South Cavesh was the less hospitable to farming but more beautiful landscape. The people there relied on tourism and regional trade flowing through their land. As the Zal-Mond Consortium grew, so did taxes, and the South Cavesh region suffered for it. The Zal-mond told them to simply find more tourists, and they tried to campaign sending advertisers across the Dycides selling people on visiting Cavesh. As taxes rose, however, their products and hotels became too expensive for anyone to visit and their market crash. With it a bloody revolution was fought (unknown of even to most citizens of North Cavesh), eventually with Atholia quietly sent in to stop the fighting the ten year negotiation begun to sue for independence. While they eventually won it, in the process the Kervosh nation was formed by the Zealot Enka. Finally free, a hero of the revolution was elected to office, Cetista the Protector took power redistributing finances and freeing people from financial burdens. Her rulership has been fraught with the challenges of building of a constitution, and establishing a very limited government to oppose the ideology of the Zal-Mond.  


Laws are mostly left to the Old Dycides standards, and compared to the strict Zal-Mond rules they believe themselves to be incredibly free. Slavery is never seen as an acceptable punishment, and financial consultants help those still trying to negotiate their way out of the debts of the old days. Guards are trained in mediation tactics so fewer arrests are made, and guards often preemptively are able to deescalate most situations. Champions of Shelyn often serve a similar purpose, and often serve as judges in their society.  


As a tourism hub, the New Ferdalag folk are generally kind and inviting to outsiders, and with huge discounts on tourism passports New Ferdalag is doing their best to win public opinion to their side. This tactic of displaying their freedom and open nature is both genuine and calculated. As Kervosh continues to bring the threat of war to Zal-Cavesh, Barataria, and New Fardalag herself, the fledgling nations knows it will need allies from abroad. The Gith-ro-tul hide in their mountains to the South, Zal-Cavesh would only be too happy to see them fail from the North, and to the West Atholia sharpens their blades to prepare to charge through New Ferdalag of bring full scale war to their lands this time. Cetista is desperately sending envoys to national leadership across the Dycides to help them as Kervosh threatens to burn their nation to cinders.  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Radiance Shore
Dragonbrew Holdings
Longfang Keep
Scrumfalls Monastery
Cetista Grick
Geopolitical, Country

Open Trade


Edge of War


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