Shivan Magocratic Union Organization in The Dycides | World Anvil
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Shivan Magocratic Union

Basic Info

Region: Shivan Passage

Motto: All Magic, One People

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Capital: Forgefont (also called Seven Sisters City)

Cities: Sorcery Exchange, Dragonroost Arch, and The Crystal Oscillation

Ruler(Race): The Council of Twenty (various)

Government Type: Magocracy (Rule by the greatest in a specialty of Magic)

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Infernal

Religion: Open Religious Views, with an Emphasis in Nethys

Qualities: Spells and Magic Primary Focus. Military and Industry Secondary Focus. Religion, Commercial, and Trade Minor Focus.

Racial Breakdown: Cosmopolitan

Common Classes: Wizard and Sorcerer common, Alchemist and Cleric less common, Magus and Witch uncommon.


Quick Description

A gift from the ancients, the Forgefont is a well of pure magic, where rare metals can be crafted magically with ease. This land attracted magical folk of all kins, and was the first nation to break away from the single nation of the Dycides. Where the Dycides was focused on expansion the people of the Shivan Magocratic Union (SMU) only cared to unlock magic in all its forms. While the SMU is often reckless their talents prove them the single largest creator of magical equipment and the most powerful and knowledgeable nation of all magic.  

History(Coming Soon)



As the greatest keepers of magic in the world, the Council of Twenty are masters of each magical art: Abjuration, Bombcraft, Calling and Summoning, Charms, Compulsion, Creation, Divination, Figments and Patterns, Glamer, Healing, Hexes, Magesmithing, Black Necromancy, White Necromancy, Phantasm and Shadow, Polymorph, Scrying, Tattoocraft, Teleportation, and Transmutation. This group of diverse casters respect what each other brings to the table and guide the use of magic, the forbidding of spells and the growth of new magic and how best to categorize it. While development of new spells is very regulated, experimenting on animals and slaves is seen as ethical as the breakthroughs that are developed could help the lives of the Dycides population. While many agree with this mentality others, especially the Good Churches in the region caution such acts.   (A minor note, the master of Glamer, obviously is Cassius)  


Laws often meet the old Dycides standard, for punishment. As a magically forward culture casting in public is seen as acceptable as most people can identify the spells cast. Using magic to manipulate others without warning or permission from the Council is generally frowned upon, but in a laboratory setting it is acceptable. While travel is encouraged and allowed random searches of vessels is a common practice, and thievery of magical goods or reagents is punished more harshly in the SMU.  


Citizen status of non-magical folk is acceptable if and only if there is at least one magic user in the immediate family, otherwise requests to live in the SMU are politely declined. While given as many rights as magical casters, the term dregs is commonly used for non-magical families who have no talent and only ancestors with magical talent. Dregs will often find themselves excluded from social circles and be forced into menial positions. Education is incredibly important as well, and the SMU hosts colleges training every type of magical casters, from pure casters all the way to champions and rangers. Their partnership and defense pact with Atholia is long standing. Their cultures are different, but they consider themselves the true defenders of the Dycides (though strategy in combat has never been an important topic taught in the colleges of SMU).  

Cities Description (Coming Soon)

Sorcery Exchange
Dragonroost Arch
The Crystal Oscillation
Council of Twenty
Geopolitical, Country

Defensive Pact


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