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Babylon, the Divine City

Babylon, also known as the Divine City, is the capital city of the Parliament of Magic. The city stands at the heart of the continent of Victoria. The biggest establishment for its time, Babylon was the first city to embrace the rapid advancement of technology thanks to its booming trading economy and the founding of a Manatek, the fusion of Mana and modern technology. Babylon is home to various organizations and companies that have influenced the ever-changing landscape of the planet and the daily life of the common individual. Because of this, villages and other settlements often align themselves as allies of Babylon to not fall behind in trading competition to persevere in a fast-changing world.
At the center of Babylon is the Tower of the Gods, the seat of power of the Parliament of Magic. The citizens of Babylon congregate in the courtyard of the Tower of the Gods to attend bi-weekly speeches from the so-said ruler of the Parliament and Grand Duke of Babylon, Albert Bloodworth.
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