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Kingdom of Sydonia


The Kingdom of Sydonia is a mighty nation that has long opposed the tyrannical rule of a self-righteous higher power. It was founded at the end of the Second Age when the Kingdom of Freeska was thrown into chaos after the murder of Queen Rina Ignis. A group of fleeing civilians traveled to the south region of Victoria where they established their new home, Sydonia. The township of Sydonia served as a shelter home for civilians that fled the chaotic mess that threw Freeska into disarray. The establishment flourished rapidly, as trading and commerce expanded and resumed. Eventually the small town would grow into a vast and majestic Kingdom, led by their generous and kind elder Alicia Cardaneu, who would take the mantle of Queen of Sydonia.

The Earth Chronicles II

On the dawn of the Parliament of Magic and Babylon, the Divine City, Queen Cardaneu establish protective security measures for travelers in order to divert the Parliament's tenacious ambassadors from entering Sydonia. Despite not being a member of the Parliament Nationalistic Alliance, Sydonia established a powerful militia of expertly trained soldiers and Mages. With both steel and magic protecting her dear Kingdom, Queen Cardaneu would rule the region without opposition.
  As the Champion of Light Benji Dover would travel across the world in pilgrimage to dismantle the Parliament, the citizens of Sydonia found great inspiration from his selfless acts, and none other more than Gerard Starace, who would establish his Paladium Manufacturing Company and headquartered in the heart of Sydonia. Queen Cardaneu caught wind of this, blessing Gerard's efforts to aid the Champion of Light in his fight against the Parliament. The Kingdom of Sydonia would make a notorious name as one of the Parliament's most defiant regions.

The Earth Chronicles III

The Kingdom of Sydonia persevered the test of time as the revolution of technology took the entire world by storm. Their current leader, King Thomas Alteus, followed in his predecessor's steps with great courage and honor by being a staunch ally of the United Liberation Front Rebellion. While Sydonia has not sent their own men in the war against the Holy Thermydorian Empire, they have supplied powerful equipment through Paladium Manufacturing and its leader Yrel Starace.
  At the climax of the War of Empires, King Alteus and Paladium launched the project to build a "cradle" of their own to rival the Holy Empire's own Cradles, called "Ark of Sydonia", a massive battleship adorned with the golden colors of Paladium. The Ark of Sydonia would join the Red Sun Allegiance in several sorties, and partaking in the great siege on Neo Bygeniou.
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