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Second Freedom War


The Second Freedom War is the great military conflict between the Holy Thermydorian Empire and the United Liberation Front Rebellion.

Prior History

The ULF was established shortly after the Parliament of Magic was dismantled several years in the past with the intent to have a council of world leaders and establish common goals for the good of the world. The ULF council opposed the idea of another governing regiment similar to the Parliament.

Azriel's Returnal

Upon the return of Azriel Thermydor, the true leader and founder of the Parliament, the ULF was ready to impede Azriel any schemes to revive the Parliament. But as Azriel showed that he had slain an Elder God in the Verdant Nexus, he demonstrated that he is to be trusted to save humanity from any upcoming threats. Some world leaders of the ULF were swayed by Azriel, and asked Albert Bloodworth to let Azriel join the ULF as an advisor. Albert hesitantly agreed, and Azriel became an official member of the ULF.

Thermydorian Influence

As the years passed, Azriel gained much influence across the ULF, as he slowly attempted to establish himself as the grand leader of the ULF. Many mandates were ordered by Azriel approved by half of the ULF, while the other half felt he had gained too much power. Albert, furious by Azriel's greedy and selfish mandates, demanded to have democratic vote to oust Azriel off the ULF. Out of 11 world leaders, only 5 voted yes, while the other 6 justified their opposite vote by claiming Azriel's acts are in the best interest of the ULF. The leaders alienated one another on the matter, but Albert took back control of the organization by invoking a contingency legislation written on the Charter of the ULF; should an attempt of an usurp take place, Albert Bloodworth can invoke a rule called "World Security Plan", which states Albert has the ability to oust any world leader that has demonstrated an intent to go against the original principality of the ULF. As so, the ULF lost 6 of it world leaders, vastly reducing their resources and influence on the world. Azriel, however, saw this as the ultimate victory to take back the reins of the world and put his plans in motion. Together with the world leaders that sided with him, Azriel established the Holy Thermydorian Empire.


The two factions established vastly different laws, infrastructures, and government systems, yet they tried their best to collaborate with one another to pursue the common goals of peace and prosperity. They co-existed for decades, but the nations kept their matters within their own factions to avoid provoking any sort of conflict. However, as the Holy Empire ushered in a global technological revolution with emerging corporations, the ULF had no way to keep up with them.

Growing Threats

The emergence of the Black Blight threatened the livelihood of the entire Human population, and the ULF demanded the Holy Empire to use their technological advancements to eradicate this enigmatic threat. The Holy Empire had conditions, however; dissolve the ULF and join the Holy Empire, or succumb to the Black Blight. The ULF dejected the proposal, and were left to survive on their own. However, the Empire sought to expand their influence and force the ULF nations to join them, willingly, by force, and if that doesn't work, they would be wiped off the map.

The War

With a great collaboration with Rayleonardt Technologies, the Holy Empire began to manufacture an infinite number of Manatech warfare items: weapons, vehicles, armor, and their greatest asset yet, the Cradles, massive aerial fortresses. In a matter of years, the Empire built behind the scenes a massive military of unbelievable firepower; The Holy Army. With an arsenal that seemed out of this world, the Holy Empire began bombarding the ULF nations and thus began the Second Freedom War. For many years, the ULF managed to survive the conflict with subterfuge, infiltration, and transactional theft. The ULF, now known as the United Liberation Front Rebellion, managed to steal Manatech schematics and reverse engineered many of Raytech's products into their own type. The war raged on, costing the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of both soldiers and civilians.
The Empire declared that in order to keep the human population out of harm's way and preserve it, they had to find a way to separate them from the battlefield that became the entire world. As so, the Empire mandated the construction of orbital space colonies that would serve as a temporary home for the innocent civilians. A total of five orbital space colonies were built, and successfully launched onto space to orbit around the world, awaiting for the war to end.
As the conflict continued, the nations found themselves in newly-created political situations that had no clear solution. Cities like Yuma and Ylhelm became destructive battlegrounds and strategic points for both sides; Valkyria had ongoing civilian revolts and demanded action from their leaders; Alexandria was abandoned by its Mage protectors, and soon was corrupted beyond recognition by the Black Blight; Alaran was decimated by a prototype Mana Bomb, costing the lives of thousands of innocents and led to the absolute end of the Church of Light.

The Rebellion's Finale

The Holy Thermydorian Empire showed that it was a reckoning force. The rebellion, cornered by the Empire and the corrupting Black Blight, would soon meet its demise at the hands of another group; the Red Sun Allegiance. The Second Freedom War ended at the hands of Thenchi Blackrock, who single-handedly dismantled the remains of the ULF Rebellion, but absorbed all of its resources into his brigade. With the end of the Second Freedom War, a new conflict would soon begin; the War of the Empires.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
The United Liberation Front Rebellion's leader is killed, and the remains are absorbed by the Red Sun Allegiance.





Unite all nations on the world under its totalitarian banner.
Total dismantlement of the Empire


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