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The Stargazer


The Stargazer is a powerful reincarnating entity born from the clash between The Elder Gods and Shugalo, Darkness Incarnate. She's a being entirely made up of Arcane Mana that crash landed onto Earth like a meteor just moments after she was created, during the first days of recorded Human history. The Stargazer naturally took the shape of a tall, elegant woman of fair skin, long blonde hair, and emerald bright eyes, said to be a humanoid representation of the world. She was found unconscious by a tribe that lived near the crater she left behind, given proper clothes and a shelter. Given the name Emerald due to her eyes, the Stargazer learned to live amongst the humans inhabiting the lands.

Living With Humans

As her speech and cognitive abilities developed, Emerald was able to share her story of where she came from and the ongoing battle between the cosmic forces of the universe. The tribesmen grew even more curious to know more about what's beyond the dark skies, writing everything they've learned about Emerald, The Light, and the Darkness. Emerald grew deeply fond of her caretakers, and thus blessed them with the gift of Mana manipulating. As Mana is the raw essence of life and everything that surrounds the world, the tribesmen were shocked in fear at first, but Emerald dedicated her time to teach them everything about Mana and how to control it. As word spread about Emerald, her innocent and caring nature, her origins, her beauty, and her supernatural abilities, tribes from across the lands of Victoria traveled to Emerald's home just to meet her. She was adored and respected, even almost worshiped and eventually was elevated to the status of a goddess. However, she was humble and indifferent, and while she was being utterly respected for who she was and what she was, Emerald treated everyone equally as one of them. Her selflessness led her to be universally loved by those that'd have the fortune to meet her.

Blessings Of The Stargazer

The tribesmen that traveled miles on end to meet Emerald most settled in new homes nearby just so they can be close to her. The community grew centered around her as they saw her as their guide in life. Emerald's mental and cognitive abilities further developed, further teaching them about the Elder Gods and Shugalo, the Mana, even about the world they live on. As more and more humans came to her sermons, all would be blessed with greater intellect and manipulation of Mana. These humans would be named "Mana Sages", and as they banded together under the loving arms of Emerald, their community expanded across their terrain. Emerald learned to cherish her community and the world she lived on, and desired to have the cosmic forces to end their pointless war for the sake of true harmony and balance. She was but a speck of dust to them, however, and knew she could not stop it. Aware of the fact she was powerless against the forces of Light and Dark, Emerald could only do one thing; to protect her world and her loving community of Mana Sages.

Eopi, the White City

The community around Emerald grew exponentially and attracted skilled craftsmen from around the world to create a city of divinity worth of calling itself Emerald's true home. Together, they built a citadel made up of white stone and marble, and an expansive residential zone that surrounded the palace. Emerald was given the honor of naming the city, to which she said "Eopi", meaning "Star Observer" in their ancient tongue, saying she often finds herself looking at the infinite stars during the night. Eopi became a welcoming community to all denizens from any background. The citadel itself was a gift for Emerald, a great token of eternal gratitude that represented the tribesmen of old's adoration for their Emerald. Just as word spread quickly about Emerald, so it did for their new home.

Eyes of Animosity

The humans that traveled from their old homes to meet Emerald implored her that she should do the same and travel to the establishments that can be found across the land. Emerald was surprised by the mere fact that there were other settlements besides her home village, now the city of Eopi, and with an entourage of scouts, warriors, and Mana Sages, she set off to visit these places. Her presence was unnoticed, but the reception was warm and kind nonetheless; the civilians of these small settlements were mostly laborers and merchants, who all respected Emerald's wishes to travel on her own accord. However, upon witnessing Emerald's and her follower's abilities to summon the elements with the palms of their hands, seeds of doubt and concern were planted in the minds of these civilians. Solely but a handful of them, a majority of the people found their supernatural abilities terrifying, saying that no human should be able to have such powers. In an attempt to dispel their worries, the Mana Sages said that Mana is the greatest gift that their creators bestowed upon them, and it is their privilege and birthright to reach within and call upon these abilities. Unfortunately, the Mana Sages's words fell on deaf ears, and were shunned away immediately, but not banished. The settlement elders simply asked of them to be more mindful, and to not use their abilities nonchalantly. Emerald was understanding, but her followers felt disrespected by the civilians.  

A Home In The Skies, and The Rise Of The Eopian Guardians

The denizens of their shared world weren't appeased by the demonstration of magics, and all Mana Sages felt the push-back quite personally. Emerald and her Mana Sages returned home after half a month of traveling with nothing in hand to show for their time spent outside. The Mana Sages told Emerald that their differences in opinion and perspective will never allow their communities to live in harmony with the other humans. Emerald felt this to heart, and while she desired to unite all of humanity, she'd always prioritized her Mana Sages above all else. She gathered her Mana Sages to the innards of Eopi to demonstrate how devoted she was to their race; by harnessing the raw Arcane Mana that ran across the lands underground, Emerald slowly began to creator a circular perimeter around the entire city of Eopi. With an insurmountable amount of Mana, Emerald lifted the entire city on the land it sat on, rising up in the skies at the heights of the clouds. The Mana Sages were left in shock and awe at the tremendous display of Emerald's powers, and realized they didn't need the so-called "approval" of the non-magical humans to live their lives; their home was the sky. Emerald claimed that while they wouldn't live amongst humans, they still lived on the same Earth as every other living being, and thus their cause directly goes to the planet itself. Now called "Eopian Guardians", Emerald granted them powerful Mana abilities at the cost of their humanity; by casting away judgment and emotions, they would see all individuals equally and hold no favoritism, as now they would oversee the Mana flow across the world so it harmonizes in perfection. These Eopian Guardians, now immortal, would devote their entire existence for the well-being of the planet over the welfare of humans.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Emerald felt like she has done everything she could for the world and for the humans that saw Mana as a blessing rather than a curse. However, as she still did not fully understood humanity, she believed that her Eopian Guardians, who once were humans, would understand better and be up to the task to bring her wishes and will into reality. As so, Emerald bid a heartbreaking farewell to her followers, but she promised she would return anew. By surrendering her body and her powerful Mana soul to Eopi, the White City would hover through the clouds for countless generations. The Eopian Guardians, however, would not take their selfless leader's sacrifice well, and would seclude themselves and their city amongst the clouds, out of sight of mortal eyes. As time passed by, however, some Eopian Guardians stated that they should still try to unify humanity to honor the Stargazer's will. These attempts, however, were seldom and without the Stargazer's harmonious charisma, their approaches gave no fruition.


To the surprise to the Mana Sages and the Eopian Guardians, Emerald held her promise and would return in the body of a newborn girl. However, as history would tell, these reincarnations of Emerald, under new names but of the same title of Stargazer, would not live long enough to continue her original legacy. With each incarnation, the Stargazer would meet horrific ends but deemed as sacrifices by herself in order to bring humanity together. For countless generations, the Stargazer would be associated with omens of chaos and ruin, to the great dismay of the Eopian Guardians. After several decades of seeing humanity's atrocities towards their beloved Stargazer, the Eopian Guardians deemed humanity unworthy of living, and thus descended from their White City to bring destruction to the homes of humans. However, they would be stopped by a young Stargazer before they would even act. This young Stargazer, who was in her teenage years, stated that while she's not Emerald, she held the memories of her previous incarnations, She said that each and every time she died, the Stargazer solely did her sacrifices out of love for them and the world, and must ultimately learn to live in harmony, in their White City or in the perfect world scenario, amongst humans. Violence and destruction is not what she wanted to see. This last incarnation of the Stargazer, who was given the name of Lady Eopi, was given the opportunity to teach the Eopian Guardians on the complexity that is the human being. She was highly praised by her peers, however small groups of Eopian Guardians still held contempt towards humans, and thus decided to leave their conclave home to live on their own accord, giving rise to the several factions of rogue Mana Sages.
  With the comings of the Ages of Heroes and the rise of Azriel Thermydor, the Stargazer would be more than driven to eradicate the machinations of the Elder Gods and Shugalo once and for all, simply to break the chains of destiny and unify the world under the banner of true free will.

Known Stargazers

These are the Stargazers that are well-known for their impact on the world:
  • Emerald
  • Lady Eopi
Deep Emerald
Long, golden blonde


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