Church of Gede

The god of feasts, mirth, and the wilds. Gede is usually peaceful, but primal storms rage when her anger rises.
  • Many elves and halflings worship her.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Peace. you must remove yourself from the strife and chaos.
  2. Balance is Peace.  Only in balance is there peace, excess cause chaos. this includes rules that go against this. laws to the excess remove peace and freedom.
  3. laugh. to laugh is holy and to have a good time is divine.  
  4. Share. if you have something that other do not have and they need. you should share with them. sharing with other keeps things in balance and makes others happy.
  5. Truth and lies.  The truth is a two-way street, you can tell the truth and hurt someone in the process. you can lie and do the right thing. There has to be balance in this.


Feast and festivals.  They have a service once a week called a festival.  A feast once a month.


  1. Northern Church of Gede - these are the churches of the colder area on the map. Mountains, caves, mines, Ice packs, and snow environment. Cold environments. They believe in order and balance. This is the most ridged sect of the bunch. This Sect is known as "The eyes of Gede", The Church uses the Northern Sects as information gathering. They have huge achieves of information. They spend their time traveling the world and observing everything. The Church sends members of this sect to gather information on not only churches that follow Gede but also other religions, realms and Kingdoms.
  2. Eastern Church of Gede- This is the oldest of sects. It is well established in the East and is where most followers who plan to move up in the church are trained. This is where the Council of Gede presides. There 8 members and the ruler of the Gede religion. This sect forms the bulk of the leadership for the church as a whole.
  3. Sun Church of Gede - This was the first sect of the church. Sunshine and festival go hand in hand. They are the armed branch of the religion. If a cleric is a warrior cleric, he is from this sect. The train endlessly to Defend the followers of the church and maintain the balance in the world. 
  4. Water Church of Bede - This was a natural progression from the Sun Sect. The Water and Sun sect work together closely. The Water Sects of Gede are anywhere there is water. This places them all over the world. They are the most numerous in followers of any of the sects. They are not as ridged as the North, not as bossy as the East, not as violent as the Sun. Many Sailors follow this Sect.

Live in Peace

Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members
Related Species

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