Ethereal, graceful people who revere knowledge and beauty. Elves, much like their living ancestors, the Elnar, who were also commonly called elves, are a long-lived race of the found most commonly in forests, shrublands, and other wildernesses.  There are 4 different groups of Elnar in the world.  High Elves, Wood Elves, Water Elves and Under Elves.  The High elves claim to be the original race, since they are long lived some of the other races have agreed with the elves that they are the original people.  The say "Erui nur"  not Elnar.   
  • "Elnar" means people or first people in the Elven tongue, which is incorrect, "Erui núr" is first people. Many other races mispronounce and call it Elnar.  The high elves never corrected anyone, so here we are.
  • The world is known as Elnar, but the elves call it Ambar. Again many scholars claim that this is due to a common mispronounced words in the elven tongue.
The worlds is known as Elnar, home to the Elnareans.  The Elves are known as Elnar, because that is how their ancient scripts name their people.   From time to time the elves organized strong nations, though with far less frequency than Elnar, in some cases adopting even a nomadic lifestyle. Almost all elves worshiped the gods, and the elves are equally Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic.  Like all races, some places have different ethnic and morals standards than others.   The elves refer to other races as follows:
  1. Firen - Human
  2. Norn - dwarf
  3. Gnome - Gnome
  4. Edhel - Elf
  5. Orch - Orc
  6. Pher orch - half Orc
  7. Fairui - Fairy
  8. Glamhoth - Goblin

Elves see far and live long.

  • You know the Common, Elvish, and Sylvan languages.
  • Farsight. You get a +1 bonus to attack rolls with ranged weapons or a +1 bonus to spellcasting checks.

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