Money Changers of Royal Port

These Money Changers fall under Kings Law. They are inspected by the Kings Merchant Deputy.  They are part of the Merchant Guild, and are also the money lenders to merchants and craftsman alike.  They do not lend money to families or adventures, those are considered high risk loans.  The Money Changers are primarily just that, money changers.  The exchange the kings coins for Other kingdoms coins, Travel Coins (unmarked) and low denomination to higher denomination, at a cost. Most rates are controlled by the King and his Merchant Deputy.   "foreign", "desk", "office", "counter", "service", etc.; for example, "foreign currency exchange office".


"foreign", "desk", "office", "counter", "service", etc.; for example,
  • "foreign currency exchange office" FCEO Director: (10) assigned by the King.
  1. foreign currency exchange Desk: FCED (7-9) Deputy Director assigned by the FCEO Director
  2. FCE Service: Manager: (4-6) assigned by the Deputy Director
  3. Tellers (1-3) assigned by the Manager.
  • "Kingdom Currency Exchange office." KCEO: Director: (10) assigned by the King
  1. KCE Desk: KCED (7-9) Deputy Director, assigned by the KCEO Director.
  2. KCE Service : Manager (4-6) assigned by the KCES Deputy Director
  3. Tellers (1-3) assigned by the KCES Manager. This is the real work force of the Counting house.
  • "Travel Currency Exchange office" TCEO: Director: (10) assigned by the King
  1. TCE Desk: TCED Deputy Director, assigned by the TCED Director
  2. TCE Service: Manager (4-6) assigned by the TCED Deputy Director
  3. TCE Tellers: assigned by the TCED Manager.
Financial, Merchant League
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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