The Merchant Guild - Royal Port

Instead of an artisans' guild, you might belong to a guild of traders, caravan masters, or shopkeepers. You don't craft items yourself but earn a living by buying and selling the works of others (or the raw materials artisans need to practice their craft).


  • Member / Apprentice / Merchant. (1-2)
  • Journeyman. (3-4)
  • Artisan. (5-6)
  • Master / Master of (specialty) (7-8)
  • Head Master / Guild Leader. (9-10)
  1. Merchant - Prince (noble family or not) (7-10) Merchant Prince
  2. Farmers guild - representative (1-4)
  3. Fishing guild - representative (1-4) - The fishing guild is broken into many smaller local groups that are spead out along the coast.
  4. Labor - Overlord (10) - Oversees the whole operation
  5. Labor Boss (8) - oversees Pit bosses, 4 at a time.
  6. Pit Boss (5-7) - oversees Line bosses, 10 at a time.
  7. Line Boss (2-4) - direct contact with the workers. The line boss will Anyone can be a laborer. Any kind of job, some people are working off debt, some are working for a living. Some are Slaves working for their owners.
  8. Vendors - master merchant (5-6)
  9. Merchants
  10. Food Merchants
  11. Money Changers, these are not lenders. But can lend money from time to time.
Guild, Merchant
Ruling Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Species


The King has put restrictions on the guild lately.  Price Freeze on items and tax increase, due to debt from war.


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