Captain Darius Turo Character in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Captain Darius Turo

Darius Turo is a seasoned sailor and former officer of the Imperial Navy, however when a lucrative offer was made by the East Empire Company to helm one of their trade ships, Captain Turo knew that this was the best opportunity he would have to pay for his daughter's education in the Imperial City.    A portly Imperial, Turo has enjoyed his career with the East Empire Company with the fine foods, wine and good pay that came with it. Whilst not at home, he sends as much money as he can to his teenage daughter, Emma, so she may live a better quality of life than he had growing up.   During his time in the navy, Turo would strike up a close friendship with a Dunmer sailor called Biras Tendamo. After the great war the two would go on many adventures together and when the offer came to helm the I.T.S Swiftwind, Darius could think of no other candidates for first-mate.


First-Mate Biras

Best Friend

Towards Captain Darius Turo


Captain Darius Turo

Best Friend

Towards First-Mate Biras




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