Imperial Empire Organization in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Imperial Empire

"The sun never sets on the Imperial Empire." -Imperial saying   There have been many Empires of Cyrodiil, the first dates all the way back to the 1st Era, when Saint Alessia the Slave Queen liberated the humans of slavehood from their elven masters. From there the men of Cyrodiil expanded their horizons and stretched their borders until they owned a mighty empire the likes of which had never been seen.   Whilst the Alessian Empire was mighty it paled in comparison to what followed. Emperor Reman Cyrodiil I conquered more of the world than any emperor before him and his empire was that of seemingly never-ending military campaigns that culminated in the successful defence against the Akiviri invaders who eventually knelt to the World-God.   Despite the achievements of the Alessian and Reman Empires they are nothing compared to the mighty Septim Empire, created by the legendary Tiber Septim, better known by his God name: Talos. Whilst we are unsure of where Tiber Septim originally hailed from, we do know that he is the most successful general in the storied history of the Empire. Talos achieved what no one else ever has, the total conquest of all Tamriel, uniting all nations under the Imperial banner. Tiber Septim ascended to Godhood upon his death, but the Septim dynasty lived on through great leaders such as Pelagius I, Uriel V and Uriel VII.   The Golden Age is just that though, an Age, and all ages must eventually come to a close. The Septim dynasty was ended by The Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433, Emperor Uriel VII and all of his heirs were assassinated, leaving the door open for Daedric invasion. Whilst the crisis was solved, there was no true heir to the throne and so the Empire became largely rudderless until a Colovian warlord named Titus Mede took the throne for himself. Years on and Titus' grandson Titus Mede II would face the Aldmeri Dominion in the Great War which greatly weakened the Empire, leaving it with just Cyrodiil, Skyrim and High Rock under its control.   Following the conclusion of the Skyrim Civil War, which resulted in a great victory for the Imperials, Emperor Titus Mede II was assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood, whilst on board his flagship in 4E 202. He was succeeded by his 19 year old daughter Septima Mede who was crowned the first Empress in an age.   Empress Septima is very young and has inherited a crumbling empire with growing tensions of a second great war, yet she has become immensely popular with the people, embracing the wants and needs of the diverse population of the Empire.
Empress: Septima Mede
Geopolitical, Empire


Relations are still very good, however these relations took a small hit following the assassination of Titus Mede II.


The College of Whispers seek to impress the Elder Council and the Empress in hopes of funding and political favours. The Council see the College as a way to gain the magical upper hand in any future conflicts.

Non-Aggressive Pact

The two powers are at peace following the White-Gold Concordat


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