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Formerly beholden to the Krevarian Empire, the Norlanskans regained their independence as part of the peace treaty that also formed the Commonwealth. The royalty of the North are famed for their dedication to their people, and the average Norlanskan enjoys a more comfortable life than the harsh landscape of their homeland would suggest.

Demography and Population

The population of Norlanska is mostly human, albeit by a slim margin. Dwarves and gnomes make up a significant population, and elves migrated to the region in ages past in significant numbers. Varsatian peoples are somewhat rare in Norlanska due to its lack of colonial holdings, but are still present in the port cities due to the wide-ranging Norlanskan merchant marine.


The Norlanska peninsula is a land of deep fjords, steep mountains, and rich forests. Most towns and cities are coastal, where fish are plentiful and the winters are relatively mild. Isolated communities exist in the narrow valleys inland, where rugged workers cope with the long winters and short days to mine the wealth of the earth.


The Norlanskan military is small but dedicated. The nation fortifies key points and relies on terrain to slow or divert any potential threat. At sea, the Nor-marine presses armed merchantmen into service should a threat emerge at sea. While these vessels are individually no match for a dreadnought, they are numerous.

Foreign Relations

A stoic people, the Norlanskans are proud of their heritage and have rebuffed any offers so far to join one of the Great Powers. They instead walk a narrow path, seeking to maintain good trade relations with their neighbors without provoking an invasion or annexation by a rival. The Norlanskans have a shipbuilding tradition as long as the Commonwealth's, and their vessels are seen in nearly every port of the known world, where their merchants have a rock-solid reputation. You'll rarely squeeze a great deal from a Norlanskan merchant, but being cheated by one is similarly rare.

Everything for Norlanska

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Norlanskaar, Norlanskan, Norlander
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gold-Backed: Throne
Silver Backed: Kaler
Official State Religion


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